Case study
Understanding international harmonization of pesticide maximum residue limits with Codex standards. A case study on rice
This publication sets out to explore the issue of harmonization of national pesticides Maximum Residues Limits (MRLs) with Codex pesticide MRLs from different angles, by taking rice as a case study. Part A identifies the level of harmonization in main rice producing and trading countries and explores the possible effects on trade, while Part B investigates the reasons behind differing levels of harmonization.Its broader objective is to offer insights for decision-makers involved in setting of standards and design of food policy at national and international level on the significance of harmonization of pesticide MRLs.Last updated date 28/08/2020.
FAO Investment Centre Annual Review 2019
FAO’s Investment Centre provides a wide range of investment support services to developing and transition countries. This third annual review shines a light on the work of the Investment Centre and its partners - the international financing institutions - carried out in 2019 to increase the volume and quality of investments in food security, nutrition, agriculture and rural development.
During that year, the Centre supported investment-related policy studies and processes to increase policy dialogue and contributed to the design, technical assistance, supervision or evaluation of investment projects in 133 countries. It increasingly linked both its policy work with investment support to [...]
Forums and community of practice
How can agricultural policies and strategies help to end child labour in agriculture? FSN Forum report of activity No. 165
This document summarizes the online discussion How can agricultural policies and strategies help to end child labour in agriculture? held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 27 April to 25 May 2020. The discussion was facilitated by Jessie Rivera Fagan of FAO in Rome, Italy.The discussion was part of FAO’s activities leading up to the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour in 2021 and of its broader efforts to contribute to the progress in achieving Target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2025. A comprehensive multisectoral approach is often needed [...]
Trade and Sustainable Development Goal 2 – Policy options and their trade-offs
With trade recognized as a means of implementation under Agenda 2030, policy-makers will need to ensure that trade, and policies affecting trade and markets, are taken into consideration as part of their efforts to achieve SDG 2. The five targets that set out the level and ambition of SDG 2 (ending hunger; ending all forms of malnutrition; doubling the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers; ensuring sustainable food production systems; and maintaining genetic diversity), as well as trade itself, often constitute distinct policy priorities for governments.
Trade and related policy measures that may be designed to achieve one target [...]
Trade and Sustainable Development Goal 2: Policy options and their trade-offs
With trade recognized as a means of implementation under Agenda 2030, policy-makers will need to ensure that trade, and policies affecting trade and markets, are taken into consideration as part of their efforts to achieve SDG 2. The five targets that set out the level and ambition of SDG 2, as well as trade itself, often constitute distinct competing policy priorities for governments. It is therefore important that policy-makers identify and recognize areas in which difficult tradeoffs may be needed between competing policy objectives, and identify possible ways in which these can be addressed. Furthermore, while the different targets set [...]
Assessment of the integration of fisheries and aquaculture in policy development. Framework and application in Africa
This document was prepared within the framework of the FAO’s Strategic Objective 1 (SO1): Help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. This document served as a background paper to present the status of policy mainstreaming and policy research for the improvement of policy development in aquaculture in support of food security, nutrition and poverty eradication. The document was presented in various African fora and received the validation of the stakeholders for its publication as part of policy research. Specifically, the paper was presented and included the inputs from the Consultative Meeting on Aquaculture Policy Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 3 [...]
Biodiversity Integrated Assessment and Computation Tool (B-INTACT)
Biodiversity loss is accelerating at an unprecedented rate across the planet putting a great number of species on the brink of extinction. A decline in the plants, animals and micro-organisms threatens food security, sustainable development and the supply of vital ecosystem services. In order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, there is an urgent need to take action to halt biodiversity loss and consequently ecosystem degradation.
Since the introduction of the Aichi targets, released by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 2010, the United Nations have been empowered with greater influence on decision-making impacting biodiversity. [...]
Issue paper
One health policy stakeholders in Uganda. A snapshot
This document provides a snapshot of One Health Policy stakeholders in Uganda that can engage in effective One Health policies in the country. It focuses on those actors expected to play a key role in shaping policies and strategies from a One Health perspective, including from a livestock, environmental and public health perspective. The document describes the developed methodology and main findings and conclusions.
Training & e-learning
Reducing rural poverty - policies and approaches
This fact sheet describes the second course in a series of e-learning courses on Rural Poverty Reduction. It considers the development of approaches to rural development through the 20th and early 21st centuries. It then describes the components of a multisectoral strategy and theory of change for poverty reduction, and the crucial role of stakeholder collaboration. The course then explains in detail the key policy areas that will lead to the goals of productive and inclusive rural transformation.
Training & e-learning
Food security policies – Formulation and implementation
This fact sheet describes the course that covers food security policies and explains when and why they are required. The course also describes the process of food security policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.