Voluntary Standards: Impacting Smallholders’ Market Participation
Voluntary standards are rules, guidelines or characteristics about a product or a process. They are not mandatory regulations, but are used voluntarily by producers, processors, retailers and consumers. These voluntary standards are usually developed by private sector actors (e.g. firms or consortiums), representatives of civil society, or public sector agencies.
Voluntary standards are part of a growing trend in global markets. As a result, FAO and member countries are being asked to respond adequately to the opportunities and challenges presented by business models that could foster both increased food security and better market access for small-scale producers.
FAO reviewed the current evidence of the impact of voluntary [...]
Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook
This comprehensive sourcebook on climate-smart agriculture (CSA), produced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation, consists of eighteen modules covering every aspect of planning and implementing CSA policies and projects.
Aimed primarily at developing countries, the opening module outlines the case for CSA (including forestry and fisheries), discussing issues such as food security, resilient systems, and systemic efficiency. The sourcebook argues that if we are to match growing demand whilst simultaneously combating climate change, it is crucial that greater efficiency and resilience is achieved in our food systems to aid climate mitigation and adaptation respectively. This has to happen globally, and in [...]
Policy Support Guidelines for the Promotion of Sustainable Production Intensification and Ecosystem Services. Integrated Crop Management Vol. 19–2013
Conservation Agriculture is actually applied on about 10% of the world’s cropland and adoption is growing fast. However, it is not growing fast enough to face the challenges ahead, such as the need to eradicate hunger and food insecurity for a growing population and to address the threats of climate change, land and environmental degradation, resource scarcity and increasing cost of food, production inputs and energy. For “sustainable intensification” strategy as being implemented through Conservation Agriculture to spread faster, it needs not only the accurate application of the concept and principles, but also supportive policies that can facilitate adoption of [...]
Guidance Note: Integrating the Right to Adequate Food into Food and Nutrition Security Programmes
This Guidance Note is a practical tool for practitioners who want to integrate the right to food into food and nutrition security programmes. It builds a bridge between the normative dimensions of the right to food and practical work on programme design, implementation and monitoring at country level. This tool does so by briefly explaining the conceptual, legal and operational dimensions of the right to food. Then it looks at four key entry points for integrating the right to food into food and nutrition security programmes: roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, legal aspects, monitoring, and recourse and claim mechanisms. Then [...]
Coping with water scarcity. An action framework for agriculture and food security
This report aims to provide a conceptual framework to address food security under conditions of water scarcity in agriculture. It has been prepared by a team of FAO staff and consultants in the framework of the project `Coping with water scarcity: the role of agriculture?, and has been discussed at an Expert Consultation meeting organized in FAO, Rome in December 2009 on the same subject. It was subsequently edited and revised, taking account of discussions in the Expert Consultation and materia ls presented to the meeting. The document offers views on the conceptual framework on which FAO's water scarcity programme [...]
国家粮食安全范围内 土地、渔业及森林权属 负责任治理 自愿准则
《准则》是第一份通过政府间磋商谈判制定的 有关权属及其治理的全球性综合文书。 《准则》列出有关负责任治理的原则和国际公认标准, 对土地、渔业及森林资源开展利用和管理。 《准则》用以指导下列工作:改进权属权利治理的政策、法律和组织框 架;提高权属体系的透明度并强化管理;加强与权属及其治理有关的 公共机构、私营企业、民间社会组织以及人员的能力和行动。 《准则》把权属治理置于国家粮食安全范畴内,旨在促进逐步实现充足 食物权、消除贫困、保护环境以及可持续社会经济发展。
Issue paper
Coping with water scarcity. An action framework for agriculture and food security. FAO Water Reports 38
This report aims to provide a conceptual framework to address food security under conditions of water scarcity in agriculture. It has been prepared by a team of FAO staff and consultants in the framework of the project `Coping with water scarcity: the role of agriculture?, and has been discussed at an Expert Consultation meeting organized in FAO, Rome in December 2009 on the same subject. It was subsequently edited and revised, taking account of discussions in the Expert Consultation and materia ls presented to the meeting. The document offers views on the conceptual framework on which FAO's water scarcity programme [...]
Training & e-learning
FAO Learning Module 3 on Capacity Development: Good Learning Practices
This Module is the third in a series of four that address capacity development competencies in FAO. It is intended to enhance FAO’s practices in designing, developing, delivering and evaluating its activities in support of learning in Member Countries, while ensuring that learning leads to sustainable capacity development.
Annex 2 has a list of toolboxes for users.
Passport to mainstreaming gender in water programmes. Key questions for interventions in the agricultural sector
The purpose of the passport is to support them in mainstreaming a gender perspective during planning, implementation and management of agricultural water management projects and programmes. This implies assessing the implications of any intervention on women and men, girls and boys, through a participatory approach, while designing gender sensitive interventions. The expected outcome is improved performance of water management projects and systems, while strengthening the position of rural women or other disadvantaged groups.
The passport is designed to be a rapid appraisal tool to identify the main gender-related problems and gaps that require attention during the design, implementation and monitoring of a project or programme. If the project is at the planning [...]
EAF Toolbox – The ecosystem approach to fisheries
The EAF Toolbox is aimed at national and local fisheries management authorities, including fishery managers, scientists and stakeholders looking for practical solutions they can apply given their circumstances and resources. This document represents a subset of the web-based version.