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GLEAM-i是针对畜牧业第2层温室气体(GHG)的在线计算器。 它通过网络应用程序将粮农组织全球牲畜环境评估模型(GLEAM)的核心功能带给大众。GLEAM-i当前版本可以将基准条件和实际情况之间进行直接比较,并把GLEAM 2.0 2010年数据设置为默认。 GLEAM-i旨在支持政府领导者,项目设计师,制造商,产业及相关的社会组织,用于准备国家温室气体清单,国家决定性贡献(NDC)以及事前项目的评估,并估算在畜牧,饲料和粪便管理业等方面由技术进步所带来的共同效益。 查看GLEAM-i工具准则 点击了解更多信息

Case study


E-agriculture in Action. Drones for agriculture

 The FAO-ITU E-agriculture strategy guide is actively being used to assist countries in the successful identification, development and implementation of sustainable ICT solutions for agriculture. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, and connected analytics has great potential to support and address some of the most pressing problems faced by agriculture in terms of access to actionable real-time quality data. Goldman Sachs predicts that the agriculture sector will be the second largest user of drones in the world in the next five years. Sensor networks based on the Internet of things (IoT) are increasingly being used in the [...]



The Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA)

The Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) initiative promotes evidence-based decision making by collecting and disseminating information on policy decisions and frameworks through a freely accessible web-based tool. It was developedduring the 2008 food price crisis, within the framework of the Initiative on Soaring Food Prices (ISFP), with the objective to map the policy responses by FAO country members to mitigate the crisis effects. After 2009, the scope was expanded to include medium- and long-term policy decisions in food and agriculture to fill the knowledge gap on policy design and implementation.   



Turning Nationally Determined Contributions into action

This brief summarizes FAO’s analysis of NDCs and provides an overview of how the Organization, through policy processes, capacity development and technical interventions on the ground, supports the implementation of NDCs in the agriculture sectors. 

Case study


Regional analysis of the Nationally Determined Contributions of the countries in Southern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The main objective of this report is to provide a regional synthesis of the current climate change mitigation and adaptation commitments in the agriculture sectors of the Southern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (SEECA) region, as set forth in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and to identify opportunities for enhancing mitigation and adaptation ambitions, capturing their synergies and leveraging climate finance and international support options in the region. This analysis builds on FAO’s previous regional analysis and enhances its methodology and findings. It aims to guide FAO – and policy makers and practitioners in the region – committed to [...]



Tracking adaptation in agriculture sectors

Tracking adaptation processes and outcomes is a continuous process which also encompasses monitoring and evaluation – one of the important elements of the climate change adaptation. A detailed review of existing literature on adaptation tracking tools showed a number of challenges and limitations related to their application in agricultural sectors. Though some of the tools are technically sound, practical use is constrained by non-availability of adequate baseline data and information. In addit ion, several of these frameworks are individual project specific, complex and thus seldom contribute to better informed policy level decisions and adaptation planning.  This paper outlines the importance [...]

Case study


Links between social protection and forestry policies – Lessons from China. Social Protection and Forestry Working Paper 4

This paper, developed in collaboration with Professor Chen Xie of National Forestry Economics Research and Development Centre of China, is based on the literature review in China. The review focuses on the main forestry policies and social protection policies and their linkages, along with analysis of monitoring results from China’s major forestry programmes. It summarizes experiences and challenges in social protection in relation to forestry.  

Issue paper


A mapping of social protection needs and opportunities for forest-dependent communities in Uganda. Social Protection and Forestry Working Paper 2

This study provides a rationale for building linkages between social protection and sustainable forestry in developing countries through: the development of a conceptual framework for understanding the two-way relationship between social protection instruments and forestry policies; a review of evidence of the role of forestry policies in reducing vulnerabilities and fostering livelihoods among forest-dependent people; a review of the evidence of the impact of social protection instruments on th e resilience of forest-dependent people and on the promotion of sustainable forest management; and a discussion of ways of developing linkages between social protection and forestry policies.



Africa: Regional overview of food security and nutrition

This report captures the State of Food Security and Nutrition in Africa. The Official annual Regional Panorama for Africa In sub-Saharan Africa good progress was made in reducing hunger until 2010, after which time the decline in the prevalence of undernourishment came to a halt and then rose to 22.7 percent in 2016, while the number of undernourished rose to 224.3 million. In many countries, the worsening situation in 2015 and 2016 can be attributed to adverse climatic conditions, often linked to the El Niño phenomenon, resulting in poor harvests and threatening livestock populations. Conflict, sometimes in combination with drought [...]

Issue paper


Measuring the cost of dietary diversity: Novel price indexes to monitor access to nutritious diets. Trade Policy Technical Notes No. 20.

The technical note describes a novel approach to measure changes in the affordability of nutritious diets in low-income settings, using price indexes to monitor how trade policy or market infrastructure and other factors influence the cost of reaching a standard threshold of dietary diversity.  Preliminary results for a new Cost of Diet Diversity price index in Ghana are provided.