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聚焦治理:提供更有效的政策和技术支持 - 治理与政策支持框架文件

这是粮农组织框架文件的小册子 :提供更有效的政策和技术支持 - 治理与政策支持框架文件 https://www.fao.org/3/cc0240zh/cc0240zh.pdf   现在距实现可持续发展目标还剩八年时间。要在后疫情时代实现世界可持续性、复原力及粮食安全与营养目标,迫切需要推动农业粮食体系转型。实现预期转型只能通过强化和利用知识、经验、技能和能力,调动广泛的公共和私营部门参与方采取集体行动,而每一个参与方都具有各自的利益、需求、资源、影响力和能力。“治理”就是在所有各级采取有效和包容的集体行动所需的多维度能力的代名词。在许多国家的具体情况当中,正是治理方面的瓶颈造成了政策预期与实地效果之间存在差距。例如,某项政策措施可能在经济方面很有意义,但如果人们认为它威胁到某个有影响力的利益群体或未能充分兼顾该群体的利益,那么这项措施就很可能无法达到预期效果。因此把握好现有农业粮食体系背后的治理问题 — 包括制度和政治经济两方面 — 就可能成为所有政策或技术支持工作成败的关键。 本文汇总来自粮农组织丰富经验和知识以及全球文献的深刻见解,阐述了一个实操性四阶段框架,用以开展分析并把治理分析和行动整合到国家、区域和全球各级各项措施的制定和实施之中。文章还对有关可持续发展领域治理问题的近期专家思潮进行了评述并着重介绍了粮农组织在自身职责领域内对治理工作的概念性贡献。粮农组织工作中对治理分析的应用不断增加,这将推动循环往复的集体学习过程并对变革潜能进行忠实评估,从而利用在准确把握实地的实际和政策现实的基础上制定的方法对技术解决方案给予补充。治理分析强调持续学习和因地制宜,它将帮助粮农组织大大提高其对成员国政策和技术支持的有效性,推动实现可持续发展,不让任何人掉队。

Training & e-learning


A learning framework for inclusive, integrated and innovative public policy cycles for family farming

Public policies for family farming – when done appropriately – provide a perfect match between different policy areas related to productive, economic, social, environmental and cultural dimensions of sustainable food systems. The Learning framework for inclusive, integrated and innovative public policy cycles for family farming was developed under the framework of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019–2028) to support policymakers, family farmers’ organizations and other relevant stakeholders to increase their understanding of public policy cycles and family farming related policies. This technical and methodological capacity development programme is adaptable to local, national or regional priorities. It offers a [...]



Developing sustainable and resilient agrifood value chains in conflict-prone and conflict-affected contexts. Practitioner guidelines for selection, analysis and design

Agrifood systems in the Near East and North Africa are characterized by increasingly degraded natural resources and vulnerability to climate change, rapid population growth and protracted crises. In addition, the region has been affected by conflict that has further exposed the fragilities and worsened the challenges already faced by communities.   Conflict negatively affects the poverty rate, the economic capacity and functioning of agrifood value chains and people’s ability to produce, distribute and access food. In volatile operating environments, resources, government spending and private investment are frequently diverted or reduced, with lasting impact on agri-food value chains and consequently nutrition and food [...]



OECD-FAO business handbook on deforestation and due diligence in agricultural supply chains

This handbook was developed by OECD and FAO to help companies embed considerations on deforestation and forest degradation into their corporate due diligence procedures. It is informed by FAO’s extensive work and experience on halting deforestation and forest degradation and promoting responsible governance of tenure. The handbook builds on the leading international, government-backed standards on supply chain due diligence and responsible business conduct: the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the associated due diligence framework set out in the OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct. This handbook demonstrates how [...]



A one health priority research agenda for antimicrobial resistance

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been recognized as one of the greatest global threats to humans, animals, plants and ecosystems health threatening the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. In our globally connected world, resistance to antimicrobials may spread and circulate among humans, animals, plants and the environment, necessitating a “One Health” approach. While the One Health approach is relevant to all efforts to prevent and control AMR, this priority research agenda focuses on research areas at the interface between sectors. This research agenda is a joint product of the Quadripartite organizations –FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH - and a result of extensive [...]

Issue paper


Sustainable use and conservation of invertebrate pollinators

Recognizing the importance of invertebrate pollinators, the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Commission) at its Seventeenth Regular Session, in 2019, adopted its Work Plan for the Sustainable Use and Conservation of Microorganism and Invertebrate Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and decided to address pollinators, including honey bees, at its Nineteenth Regular Session. Building on global assessments addressing pollinators published in 2016 and 2019, respectively, by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and FAO, this study provides up-to-date information on the status and trends of invertebrate pollinators, maps relevant regional and international initiatives, and [...]

Issue paper


Integrated land use management systems in Uzbekistan Part 1. Case studies and governance recommendations. Literature review

This is a literature review on land use and integrated land use management systems in Uzbekistan. The review aims to synthesize and examine the state of knowledge and the scope for establishing various integrated resource and land use management strategies such as types of agroforestry systems and integrated pastoral management for the sustainable management of forest and agricultural resources in Uzbekistan. The review also aims to explore land use governance in Uzbekistan, delving into the governance structures, formal and informal institutions, their transformations, and path dependencies that shape the post-socialist realities for Uzbekistan. The report reflects upon the land use governance [...]

Training & e-learning


E-learning course - Focus on governance for more effective policy and technical support

This course maps key features of governance and offers concrete methods for recognizing and managing governance issues related to agrifood systems, as well as for improving the effectiveness of FAO’s technical and policy assistance. The course follows the logic of the four phases of governance analysis developed by FAO and tested in several countries. This course is based on the Focus on governance for more effective policy  and technical support - Framework paper  



Promoting the application of the Association for Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Guidelines for Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry. A practical handbook for ASEAN parliamentarians

This handbook aims to help Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) parliamentarians play their role in operationalising the ASEAN Guidelines for Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry (ASEAN RAI). It is based on "Responsible investments in agriculture and food systems: A practical handbook for parliamentarians and parliamentary advisors" published by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in 2020. It adapts that earlier handbook to the ASEAN context and provides ASEAN parliamentarians with practical guidance on how to contribute to an enabling environment for responsible investment in [...]



Rethinking our food systems: A guide for multi-stakeholder collaboration

This guide aims to support stakeholders working at all levels of the food system in the implementation of actions to transform their food systems. Centered on 5 building blocks underpinning successful multi-stakeholder collaboration for food systems transformation, the guide uses these constructions to illustrate ingredients of the process and show the interconnectedness of the steps needed to be successful. The guide also contains two annexes with a list of tools, and assessment questions. Annex 1 highlights a range of tools to support facilitators and participants with deeper guidance on a specific topic. Annex 2 contains a checklist of questions, customized to [...]