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Commodity Policy Developments Tool

The Commodity Policy Developments tool is maintained by commodity analysts of the FAO Trade and Markets Division. The tool provides concise accounts of national policy changes deemed relevant to markets of basic foodstuffs. Its coverage is global, with emphasis given to policy developments – grouped by major policy domains – affecting cereal, oilcrop, meat, dairy and sugar markets since 2011. The policy records included in the tool act as a supplement to more exhaustive commodity market appraisals prepared by the Division, such as the AMIS Market Monitor, the Food Outlook, the Oilcrops Monthly Price and Policy Update, the Monthly News [...]

Data and statistics


Familiy Farming Knowledge Platform: Smallholders Dataportrait

The smallholder farmers' dataportrait is a comprehensive, systematic and standardized data set on the profile of smallholder farmers across the world.  It generates an image on how small family farmers in developing and emerging countries live their lives. It is about putting in numbers, the constraints they face, and the choices they make so that policies can be informed by evidence to meet the challenge of agricultural development. Currently, the data portrait provides information for fourteen countries. 



National socioeconomic surveys in forestry. Guidance and survey modules for measuring the multiple roles of forests in household welfare and livelihoods

Forests play important provisioning and supporting roles in the livelihoods of rural households (Byron and Arnold, 1999, Sunderlin et al., 2005) and the majority of those who live in extreme poverty are reliant on forests for their livelihood. Products from non-cultivated ecosystems such as natural forests, woodlands, wetlands, lakes, rivers, and grasslands can be a significant income source for rural households providing energy, food, construction materials and medicines both for subsistence and cash uses. Beginning with seminal studies on environmental resource use (e.g. Cavendish, 2000) the contribution of forest and other environmental resources to household income accounts were found to [...]



Gender-responsive disaster risk reduction in the agriculture sector. Guidance for policy-makers and practitioners

The training guide Gender-Responsive Disaster Risk Reduction in the Agriculture Sector is intended primarily for policy-makers and practitioners, who have a good understanding of disasters but limited knowledge of gender issues, and work on DRR policies, plans, information systems, or other activities related to disaster-prone communities. Its main objective is to present theoretical and practical approaches to address gender issues in DRR strategies for the agriculture sector, illustrating some  stories on how gender issues cut across men’s and women’s experiences of disaster risk and can be addressed in DRR decision-making. This guide also provides an overview of a gender-responsive planning [...]

Case study


Use Of mobile phones By the rural poor. Gender perspectives from selected Asian countries

Mobile phones have been shown (though not uniformly) to positively contribute in various ways to rural development, from reducing information asymmetry, improving functional networks, to increasing access to services and finance. Yet a digital gender divide exists. When contrasted with the fact that women compromise 43% of the worlds’ agricultural labor force, this digital gender divide can inhibit rural development. There is substantial exploration of the digital gender divide in the literature. Yet the answers to questions regarding differential access and use of information and communication technologies are mostly inconclusive. This study tries identify the information needs of the rural [...]

Case study


Mongolia. A review of the agricultural research and extension system. FAO Investment Centre

The importance of agriculture to Mongolia’s economy, and to its rural economy in particular, makes sustainable agricultural development a national priority. The transition from collective socialism to a market economy in the 1990s nearly caused the collapse of the entire agriculture sector. Since privatization, the number of livestock animals, mainly sheep and goats, has increased dramatically, reaching 45.1 million in 2012. This growth in both livestock and crop production was enabled by several factors. Yet investment in research and extension remains very low. Without sufficient government backing for research and development, extension services and veterinarians, information about weather and prices [...]

Case study


Morocco. Monitoring adoption of key sustainable climate technologies in the agrifood sector. FAO Investment Centre

Climate change plays an increasingly important role in the international debate on food security. While the key concern is on how climate change can impact world food security: how to meet the food needs of a world population reaching 9.5 billion people under climate uncertainty, the agrifood sector is also increasingly under scrutiny to increase its contribution to climate change mitigation efforts. This is not surprising since worldwide, the agrifood chain (including agriculture as well as food processing, distribution, retail and utilisation) contributes to over 20 percent of total GHG emissions (excluding land use emissions).



RIMA-II: Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis - II

This document introduces RIMA-II, the technical evolution of the FAO Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA) tool. RIMA was completely and deeply revised by the FAO Resilience Analysis and Policies (RAP) team; it was technically cleared by a restricted group of high-profile experts. RIMA-II will integrate the old version of RIMA with breakpoint and will guarantee extended analysis and new tools for measuring resilience.



RIMA-II: Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis - II

This document introduces RIMA-II, the technical evolution of the FAO Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA) tool. RIMA was completely and deeply revised by the FAO Resilience Analysis and Policies (RAP) team; it was technically cleared by a restricted group of high-profile experts. RIMA-II will integrate the old version of RIMA with breakpoint and will guarantee extended analysis and new tools for measuring resilience.



Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership (LEAP+)

The LEAP (Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance) Partnership is a multi-stakeholder initiative that is committed to improving the environmental performance of livestock supply chains, whilst ensuring its economic and social viability.  Farmers, consumers and other livestock stakeholders are increasingly in need of more information about the environmental performance and the sustainability of livestock supply chains. Although a wide range of environmental assessment methods have been developed, there is a need for comparative and standardized indicators in order to switch focus of dialogue with stakeholders from methodological issues to improvement measures.  LEAP develops comprehensive guidance and methodology for understanding the environmental performance of [...]