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Evaluation of FAO’s contribution to Jordan 2017–2021

The Jordan country programme evaluation covered the period 2017–2021. The evaluation assessed FAO's strategic positioning, operational and organizational capacity, contributions, partnerships and normative values. It also identified key lessons learned and recommendations to inform the next Country Programming Framework.The evaluation found evidence of sustainable results in FAO Jordan: FAO’s programme in Jordan responded to beneficiaries’ needs considering global and country development and humanitarian priorities. FAO is working in accordance with its comparative advantage and is recognized as a trusted source of technical knowledge and advice. It has carried out actions in Jordan to i) influence decision-making, national stakeholders and partners; [...]

Case study


Agricultural policy monitoring for eight countries in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

This study reviews the agricultural policy environment and provides quantitative indicators for policy incentives and disincentives to agricultural producers for key commodity value chains in the eight study countries in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), utilizing the methodology aligned with the approach of the International Organizations Consortium for Measuring the Policy Environment for Agriculture (Ag-Incentives Consortium). This report describes the methodology and approach taken for these eight countries covered by this study and presents the key results and their interpretation in the policy and market contexts of [...]

Issue paper


Legal report on the ecosystem approach to fisheries in Mozambique. An analysis of the ecosystem approach to fisheries in selected national policy and legal instruments of Mozambique

Legislating for the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) is complex, due to the holistic nature of the EAF involving multiple factors that underpin the social, economic, environmental, and institutional aspects of fisheries sustainability. These factors include ecosystems integration, risks, inter-sectoral collaboration, research, participatory processes, monitoring, control, surveillance, and enforcement, among others. To assess how the EAF is being implemented through national policy and legal frameworks, FAO developed A diagnostic tool for implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries through national policy and legal frameworks.     The present legal report on the EAF used the diagnostic tool to assess the alignment of selected policy [...]

Issue paper


Legislative developments and challenges in the time of COVID-19. The parliamentary sector as a key stakeholder in building a new normal

Evidence shows that the improvement in food and nutrition security is mostly due to policies, programs and frameworks that are anchored in legislation. Parliamentarians play a key role in promoting and approving laws and policies to eradicate hunger and malnutrition. Despite the various challenges to be faced, as those posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, parliamentarians reiterated their commitment to learning from each other’s, sharing their experiences, strengthening collaboration between countries and regions, thus stimulating the adoption of laws, policies and programs, but also, the allocation and supervision of public budgets. In addition, the parliamentary sector plays a fundamental role in [...]

Case study


Relatório jurídico sobre a abordagem ecossistémica às pescas em Angola. Uma análise da abordagem ecossistémica às pescas em instrumentos políticos e jurídicos nacionais selecionados de Angola

O presente relatório jurídico sobre a AEP utilizou a ferramenta de diagnóstico para analisar o alinhamento de instrumentos políticos e jurídicos selecionados de Angola com a AEP. Esta análise examinou em que medida 82 requisitos legais da AEP se encontram refletidos nas políticas e legislação angolanas relevantes para o setor das pescas do país e para outros setores que interagem com as pescas (como o ambiente, a fauna selvagem e os ecossistemas e o meio marítimo). Com base neste diagnóstico preliminar, foram identificadas lacunas nos instrumentos analisados e formuladas recomendações sobre domínios específicos que necessitam de ser melhorados.Legislar de acordo [...]

Issue paper


Inversión pública productiva en la agricultura para la recuperación económica con bienestar rural: un análisis de escenarios prospectivos para Paraguay

Paraguay mostró un crecimiento económico importante entre el 2010 y el 2019, a pesar de cierta contracción en el 2019, en el cual la agricultura contribuyó significativamente. Las proyecciones apuntan a una recuperación económica desde el año 2021, pero surge la pregunta de cuáles podrían ser los motores del nuevo crecimiento.Las carencias de la agricultura, principalmente en la agricultura familiar campesina, son preocupantes. Falta nueva inversión en infraestructura productiva, asistencia técnica, tecnología, créditos y acceso a insumos e implementos modernos. La inversión pública no solo ha sido reducida, sino que pareciera que la agricultura no entra notablemente en los planes [...]

Issue paper


A holistic approach to food loss reduction in Africa: food loss analysis, integrated capacity development and policy implications

Food insecurity in the African context is a critical issue; yet total food losses are estimated at 15.9% and 17.2% in quantity and in caloric value, respectively (FAO, 2019). Currently across the continent, there is insufficient funding and the lack of policy mechanisms to support interdisciplinary analytical approaches and data collection systems to better inform the reduction of food loss. This paper highlights the critical need for a paradigm shift of current research and development programs aimed at food loss reduction, as demonstrated by findings of a project implemented in Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda by the [...]



In Brief to The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022

The In Brief version of the FAO flagship publication, the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022, contains the key messages and main points from the publication and is aimed at the media, policy makers and a more general public.The following complementary information is available:See the interactive storyRead the full report



The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022. Repurposing food and agricultural policies to make healthy diets more affordable

This year’s report should dispel any lingering doubts that the world is moving backwards in its efforts to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms. We are now only eight years away from 2030, but the distance to reach many of the SDG 2 targets is growing wider each year. There are indeed efforts to make progress towards SDG 2, yet they are proving insufficient in the face of a more challenging and uncertain context. The intensification of the major drivers behind recent food insecurity and malnutrition trends (i.e. conflict, climate extremes and economic shocks) combined with [...]

Issue paper


Nouveau modèle de développement pour les zones désertiques et oasiennes - Tunisie

Ce rapport s'inscrit dans le cadre du soutien de la FAO aux cinq pays du Maghreb, dont la Tunisie, pour la mise en œuvre d'un dialogue politique sur les situations de développement socio-économique dans les régions saharienne et oasienne. La FAO soutient le Gouvernement tunisien dans plusieurs initiatives de développement agricole et rural en s'efforçant de rendre l'agriculture, la pêche et la sylviculture plus durables et productives en adoptant des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires inclusifs et efficaces et en augmentant la résilience des moyens de subsistance face aux menaces et aux crises climatiques.Le contenu de ce rapport est une synthèse [...]