بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة


Rwanda Food and Agriculture Policy Monitoring Review 2020. Policy report

Rwanda’s agricultural sector accounts for about 29 percent of GDP and employs about 72 percent of the population that is economically active. It is still the dominant source of income for the majority of the poor who live in rural areas and is of significant importance in achieving the national priority objectives of sustainable economic growth, food security, and poverty alleviation.

The report provides quantitative evidence on how the Government of Rwanda’s policies and expenditure decisions have supported its food and agriculture sector over the past decade. More, in particular, it provides information on the extent to which producers of key food (rice and wheat) and export crops (tea and coffee) are being supported – or penalized – by the policy. Also, it sheds light on the level and composition of public expenditures on food and agriculture, and how these have been changing over time. And finally, it assesses the coherence between the Government’s agricultural policies and its overall strategic priorities and provides insight into whether these are coherent.

Conclusions and recommendations are believed to provide guidance for policy decision-making and reforming of policies that constrain productivity growth – the main engine for agriculture transformation and development.
