Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

/ Technical brief

Gender mainstreaming as a key strategy for building resilient livelihoods. Increase the resilience of both men and women’s livelihoods to threats and crises. Gender and resilience brief

Women and men play specific and complementary roles in agriculture and food and nutrition security, and building the resilience of their livelihoods in different ways. In most countries, women have less access to productive resources, services and employment opportunities than men. The gender gap is found for many assets, inputs and services such as land, livestock, labor, education, information services, and technology, all affecting the capacity to protect their communities from crises. While men account for the majority of direct casualties during wartime, women and children suffer more from displacement, reduced access to services and assistance, and loss of livelihoods. Moreover, the work burden of women and girls increases during and after disasters. Charged with the responsibility of securing fuelwood, water and fodder, they spend increasing time in these activities and are often exposed to heightened protection risks. Addressing the differences between men and women in policies and programmes is essential for building resilient livelihoods for all.

Global, Asia & Pacific, Africa
Policy Theme