Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

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Strengthening Sector Policies for Better Food Security and Nutrition Results: Livestock. Policy Guidance Note 2

The livestock sector is a complex one that touches not only on animal production and agriculture but on environment, health, and land-use rights. Addressing all of these topics within a policy is a delicate task especially where there is a wide range of competing objectives: economic growth, employment, equality, food and nutrition security, environmental conservation and climate change adaptation.

In the context of responding to increased demand for edible animal products through mainly industrialized growth, policies should better protect smallholders’ needs and livelihoods. Policies can also help address the scrutiny this sector has faced for its effects on the environment, human health impacts from excessive consumption, heightened risk of zoonotic and food-borne diseases, animal welfare and food fraud scandals. 

This livestock guidance note walks experts and non-experts alike through a series of important questions to ask and steps to take when incorporating food security and nutrition concerns into livestock policies. 

Now also available in French and Spanish

See the complete Policy Guidance Series

FAO, European Union
Global, Africa