الخطة العالمية لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة بشأن خدمات التلقيح من أجل زراعة مستدامة


The Power of Pollinators: why more bees mean better food

Author: FAO

This episode of TARGET: Zero Hunger explores the power of pollinators.  For centuries, bees and other pollinators have labored the world’s fields without winning much recognition for their many contributions to food production. You will hear from Barbara Gemmill-Herren. She spearheaded an FAO-led study into the connection between pollination and crop yield that has been published recently in the magazine Science. Then we will take you to Ghana, West Africa, where our team from the FAO office in Accra drove across the country to visit with Peter Kwapong, Director and Founder of the International Stingless Bee Centre in Cape Coast.


Pollination collection

Author: FAO

This collection of videos includes: Growing vegetables and managing pollinators in the Nandi Hills of Kenya; Honey bees on African Acacia trees; Hawkmoths; Eggplant bee; Carpenter bee plectranthus; Honey bee on sunflowers in Kenya; and Honey bee on passion fruit flower.

Photo gallery

Global Action on Pollination Services photo gallery

Author: FAO

It documents some of the work carried out by the GEF/UNEP/FAO Global Pollination Project