Соглашение о мерах государства порта (СМГП)

Various agencies in Senegal participate in PSMA workshop


More than 20 participants, representing 12 authorities including fisheries, the Navy, ports, the Gendarmerie, the Police, maritime security (HASSMAR), and Customs, participated in an interagency workshop conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Senegal, about the implementation of the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA).

The workshop took place in Dakar, between the 4-8 November, under a project funded by Germany (GCP/GLO/1047/GER/BMZ).

The workshop sought to identify the role of each authority in the implementation of national measures and the PSMA in combatting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and launch the development of formal mechanism on coordination procedures between different authorities and agencies for effective port State measures. The presentation of case studies enabled to consolidate the mechanism within the broader system of port State controls. The workshop also took a closer look at criteria that should be considered by Senegalese authorities when determining which foreign fishing vessels ought to be inspected at the port of Dakar in their implementation of the PSMA.