Producción y productos avícolas

Materiales de capacitación

Controlling Newcastle disease in village chickens: A laboratory manual

Controlling Newcastle disease in village chickens: A laboratory manual

Improving hatching and brooding in small-scale poultry keeping

Improving hatching and brooding in small-scale poultry keeping

La construcción y uso de una minincubadora con arena

La construcción y uso de una minincubadora con arena

Improving village chicken production: A manual for field workers and traders

Improving village chicken production: A manual for field workers and traders

Improved village poultry keeping: A trainer

Improved village poultry keeping: A trainer's handbook

Improved practices in rearing indigenous chickens

Improved practices in rearing indigenous chickens

Small-scale chicken production

Small-scale chicken production

KAI KOKORAKO: Keeping chickens for income and food in the Solomon Islands- Training tools for Pacific Island communities

KAI KOKORAKO: Keeping chickens for income and food in the Solomon Islands- Training tools for Pacific Island communities

Keeping village poultry- A technical manual on small-scale poultry production

Keeping village poultry- A technical manual on small-scale poultry production

Curriculum for farmers field school on local chicken production (egg to egg programme)

Curriculum for farmers field school on local chicken production (egg to egg programme)

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