Producción y productos avícolas


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This video belongs to the section entitled "Avian Influenza diagnostic sample" that is part of the DVD "Avian Influenza sampling procedures and laboratory testing" funded by FAO and the Istituto Zooprofilattico delle Venezie (IZSVe).
This video belongs to the section entitled "Avian Influenza diagnostic sample" that is part of the DVD "Avian Influenza sampling procedures and laboratory testing" funded by FAO and the Istituto Zooprofilattico delle Venezie (IZSVe).
Video produced for the workshop on pro-poor HPAI risk reduction in n Phuket, Thailand, October 25-27, 2010.
Outbreaks of avian influenza have led to the death or culling of millions of poultry and pigs and untold millions of dollars in losses to farmers and producers. Avian influenza is also a deadly disease that affects humans. Through the use of isotopic techniques to track migrating birds, and molecular...
In Burkina Faso where the national dish is Poulet Bicyclette, people eat a lot of chicken and poultry is a big part of their economy. Even a single chicken can make a big difference in the life of a poor farmer. The Gates Notes- The Blog of Bill Gates
In Tanzania poultry farmers are increasing incomes and family nutrition through better poultry and egg production thanks to a Newcastle Disease control program. They have adopted a thermo-tolerant vaccine developed with support of Australian Aid. Village vaccinators providing regular vaccination against the disease prevent very high mortality amongst village chickens....
The video explains the feed resources and feeding practices in the free range poultry production system. Suggestions are made for increasing the feeding opportunities of free range poultry and the importance of proper protein and fiber supply for preventing feather pecking is highlighted. Ensuring sufficient protein and fiber supply will...
Farmer Field Schools (FFS) are based on an innovative, participatory and interactive learning approach in which farmers are empowered to direct the learning process. Groups of 25-35 farmers meet regularly to consult and make decisions on project implementation, with the support of facilitators. Within the project funded by DFID, FAO...
The video provides background information about the importance of Newcastle disease control for family poultry producers and how to implement it. Important characteristics of vaccines and criteria for implementing successful Newcastle disease vaccination programmes are described. The content of the video was prepared by Dr Robyn Alders for Associate Poultry...
The video describes the relationship between family poultry production and poverty alleviation, food security and income generation. It shows that important contributions can be made to these goals by promoting family poultry production and how this will contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The video also highlights that a...
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