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The film is about key bio-security principles that should be applied in small and medium scale poultry hatcheries for better disease control and improved household livelihood. FAO Viet Nam has launched a series of training materials on hatchery biosecurity to spread biosecurity guidelines throughout Viet Nam. Here is why minimum...
The video describes the contribution of economics to the development of the different family poultry production systems, including scavenge based, free range, semi-intense and intensive systems. The specific characteristics and differences between these four systems are explained and how they are influenced by the critical resources and the input and...
In an effort to changing the hygiene maintenance and keeping proper sanitary measures in poultry production practices, FAO and Government of Bangladesh carried out a project in southern delta region with USAID fund, contributing to ‘Improving Food Security of Women and Children by Enhancing Backyard and Small-scale poultry Production’. Under...
The video explains the feed resources and feeding practices of scavenged based poultry production system. The concept of the scavengeable feed resource is introduced and its assessment through estimation of the scavengeable feed resource inventory and the scavengeable feed resources harvest is explained. Suggestions are made for optimum use of...
The video explains procedures and steps in assessing poultry systems, both at the household level and for other parts of the value chain. Examples are given separately for scavenge based and free range systems and for small scale intensive systems. The content of the video was prepared by Prof. Dr....
The video explains the difference between the terms production and productivity and the principle of gross margin analysis. The different elements of inputs and outputs in production are described and an example is given how to calculate the outputs from a poultry unit. The content of the video was prepared...
The video describes the characteristics of scavenge based, small scale intensive and large scale intensive poultry production systems in relation to the production environment, interactions with markets and the actors involved. The requirements for analyzing the value chains of the different systems are explained including consideration for interactions in the...
The video is explaining the principles and components of biosecurity for family poultry producers. Biosecurity measures need to be possible, practical and sustainable. Information is provided in the video how various practical measures for isolation, controlling traffic of people and birds and sanitation will contribute to achieving good biosecurity. The...
The video explains the feed resources and feeding practices in the small-scale intensive poultry production system. It highlights that only proper nutrition and feeding and good management will assure high productivity and profit of this system. This has to include exotic breeds of layers or broilers, exclusively feeding of commercial...
The video explains the feed resources and feeding practices in the semi-intensive poultry production system. The differences in nutrition and feeding under the semi-intensive and in the intensive systems are explained as well as the need to balance the feed supply with provision of compound feed that has to supply...
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