Producción y productos avícolas


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The video is describing the importance of family poultry production in particular for smallholders and how to consider influences of season and gender roles in promoting better husbandry and improved management practices. Examples are given how to prepare and design appropriate extension messages that are clear and could be easily...
The documentary film shows the process of how FAO interventions in biosecurity has succeeded to boost egg production on chicken layer farms and solves the farmer’s problem of controlling poultry diseases. the film also portrays a story of the development of trust between farmers and the government, with FAO playing...
The video explains budgeting procedures and steps how to assess change of economic parameters. The principle of partial budgeting is explained with the components of new costs, revenue foregone, cost saved and new revenue. A practical example of a small broiler unit is given to demonstrate the principles of partial...
Outbreaks of avian influenza have led to the death or culling of millions of poultry and pigs and untold millions of dollars in losses to farmers and producers. Avian influenza is also a deadly disease that affects humans. A specific focus is on technologies that allow the identification of a...
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