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FAO has just completed a family poultry small project that was accomplished despite the pandemic limitations.
Mambasa, Democratic Republic of Congo - Chicken breeder Asha Mwamini inspects her chicks at her breeding facility in Mambasa, Ituri province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Mwamini and Ndagana breed chickens...
Andrankazo Village, Sofia Region, Madagascar - Portrait of 27-year-old ZAFITODY Rolin and his wife RAZAFY Francine, 17, parents of a 3-year-old child, in their barn built in compliance with Sustainable...
11 December 2020, Mambasa, Democratic Republic of Congo - Asha Mwamini is an entrepreneur who breeds and sells chickens in Mambasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. She started this business with...
Our job is to ensure that meat and poultry products are safe, wholesome, accurately labeled for the benefit of the Nigerian consumers, and to make sure that they are in...
25 November 2021, Rome, Italy. A worker pours feed into the feeder.
'Mother Hen' with chicks resting after feed on a quite day at the backyard.
Lina Wakio is a young mother and widow, living in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. As a part of the Mwangere Farmer Field School, she has learned different poultry rearing methods...
05 November 2021, Kamuthe Village, Garissa, Kenya - Ebla Isaack, 65, carries one of her chickens at her home. The combined effects of crop and pasture losses caused by desert...
Kamere Housing Bodaboda Group in Olkaria ward, Naivasha subcounty, Nakuru County ventured into chick hatching and rearing to diversify their income after receiving their incubators and othe accessories from the...