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I took this photo at my small chicken unit. My farm has been selected as a Farmer Field School to train other smallholder chicken farmers on biosafety measures, good farm...
Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe - Chickens seen at artisanal fish farmer Christopher Tapfumanei's homestead.
20 September 2022. Herat province - Ghini Gul from Kushk Robat Sangi district, feeds her poultry flock. She is one of the beneficiaries who received poultry production packages distributed by...
Chan So, Cambodia - Portrait of a chicken producer.
FAO project: GCP/CMB/047/SWI - Strengthening livelihood recovery of COVID-19 most affected rural communities in Cambodia.
Florence is a young women memeber of the Rwanda Youth Agriculture Forum and enagaged in...
Day old chicks being housed in a locally manufactured "brooder box"
Herat province - Khiatah from Kushk Robat Sangi district, collects eggs from her poultry coop. She is one of the beneficiaries who received poultry production packages through the financial support...
While checking on the poultry, one bird decided to fly and land on my head.