Passerelle sur l’aviculture et les produits avicoles


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Cette vidéo de formation fait partie d'une série de huit vidéos sur la production avicole durable. Les vidéos sont utilisées pour aider les petits exploitants familiaux à adopter de bonnes pratiques afin d'améliorer et d'augmenter leur production de volaille (viande et œufs) pour la consommation familiale ou la vente. La...
The video aims to spread awareness among poultry growers to enhance the biosecurity measures in poultry farms and its field application to reduce the exposure of poultry/humans to High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). It also demonstrates the proper and correct methods of raising poultry in a safe and healthy manner,...
The video aims to spreading awareness among women in Egypt's rural society, especially those who are interested in raising poultry for meat, laying eggs or income. It also demonstrates the proper and correct methods of raising poultry in safe and healthy manner, which reduce the possibility of exposing to the...
In this video you will learn: • All poultry houses must protect chickens from unfavorable weather conditions, provide good ventilation, and have some means to control temperature • All houses should have solid floors and walls which can easily be cleaned and disinfected • All houses must protect the chickens from predators, water...
Funded through the generous contribution of the Government of Italy, the project on “Rural Youth Migration, Social Protection & Local Value Chain Development” is designed to address the root causes of rural youth out-migration by creating more and improved employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in agri-business. The project, which is being...
Find out about Nirina, an inspiring small-scale businesswoman who is trying to improve her life, and those of her two daughters, in the remote village of Marovovonana in North-east Madagascar on the edge of the Makira Natural Park. The Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme is working closely with Nirina...
Dans le cadre du projet « Appui à la promotion des petits élevages par un meilleur accès à l’aliment pour animaux au Gabon », la FAO a organisé des formations en faveur des 3 coopératives des éleveurs du Gabon recensées en collaboration avec la Direction de l’élevage. Sur le site...
Since the Indonesian economy suffered severe losses to its poultry production sector after it was exposed to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in 2003, the Government of Indonesia has been developing strategies to fight the influenza virus in poultry. IVM online is a web-based animal health laboratory network system in Indonesia...
The Africa Solidarity Trust Fund ( ASTF) project was launched in November 2014 in Rwanda to address the Poultry production value chain with the purpose of creating job opportunities for youth and to improve nutrition and provide supplemental income to poor households through poultry value chains. Areas of intervention are...
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a growing threat to all lives and livelihoods, but together we can make changes to keep antimicrobials working. Farmers and food producers, here’s how YOU can help combat antimicrobial resistance.
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