Peste des petits ruminants


SMALL RUMINANT POPULATION (goat-sheep): 21.087.150 - 15.143.415
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SITUATION FIRST/LAST OUTBREAK: First PPR reported in 1999. The disease is endemic in most parts of the country.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES: Annual vaccination campaign running each year from 2012 implemented by public veterinary services and private sectors. Between PPR vaccinations currently supported by the World Bank-funded project: Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support Project (PRAPS) and FAO.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Generally extensive rearing for small ruminants with no dietary supplementation: agro pastoral system mainly based on meat production. SR also contribute to agriculture through the supply of manure, transhumant system mainly practiced in the centre of the country in Ségou, Mopti, Kayes and part of Koulikoro Region and nomadic system practiced in the north-west.