Peste des petits ruminants

Coordination and management

The success of the PPR GEP requires effective global, regional and national coordination mechanisms. 

SUBCOMPONENT 4.1. Global level
At global level, the PPR Secretariat –under the authority of FAO and OIE management– is responsible for the overall oversight, facilitation, consensus-building and management of the programme and its implementation, assessment, refinement and reporting. The PPR Secretariat works closely with regional organizations, reference laboratories/centres and technical and research institutions, and will promote broad partnerships with other relevant organizations. A PPR Advisory Committee was established to advise the PPR Secretariat on the programme’s ongoing relevance and achievements. A PPR Global Research and Expertise Network (PPR GREN) was set up as a forum for scientific and technical consultation, debates and discussions about PPR, encouraging innovation.

SUBCOMPONENT 4.2. Regional level
The PPR Secretariat will partner with continental and regional organisations such as AU-IBAR and the African RECs, ASEAN, ECO, GCC and SAARC, together with other relevant institutions, and the FAO and OIE regional, subregional and country offices, to support PPR eradication efforts. Each region will nominate a Regional Advisory Group (RAG) to oversee the implementation of PPR controls. The RAG will be made up of three Chief Veterinary Officers, coordinator of the regional epidemiology network, coordinator of the regional laboratory network, the PPR secretariat, two representatives from regional/subregional FAO and OIE offices, and a representative from a regional and subregional organization.

SUBCOMPONENT 4.3. National level
The programme will support countries in establishing, within the ministry in charge of livestock, a PPR national committee to facilitate consultation and promote stakeholder engagement. A PPR national coordinator will be appointed by the relevant ministry to oversee the programme’s implementation. Collaboration between neighbouring countries will be promoted to develop and implement an harmonized transboundary epizone approach to PPR eradication.