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FAO Migration Framework - In brief

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Cadre de la FAO sur les migrations - Résumé 2019
    Les facteurs et impacts de la migration sont intimement liés aux objectifs globaux de la FAO d'éradiquer la faim, l'insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition, d'éliminer la pauvreté et de promouvoir la gestion et l'utilisation durables des ressources naturelles. Compte tenu de son mandat en tant qu’agence spécialisée des Nations Unies, la FAO est particulièrement bien placée pour aider les États membres à prendre en compte les dimensions rurales de la migration ainsi que ses conséquences pour les populations rurales, y compris l’avenir de l’agriculture et des systèmes alimentaires. Ce document fournit un bref aperçu de la structure du cadre de la FAO pour les migrations, en expliquant pourquoi et comment la FAO agit sur les migrations. Ce cadre a pour but d’aider l’Organisation à mener à bien ses travaux sur les migrations aux niveaux mondial, régional et national. Le document s'adresse également à tous les organes directeurs de la FAO et à tous les États membres et constitue une base pour la collaboration avec les partenaires de développement.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Addressing rural youth migration at its root causes: A Conceptual Framework 2016
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    Distress migration is particularly acute among rural youth. Agriculture and rural development are central to the rate of rural out-migration to urban areas. The agricultural sector needs to engage youth in order to increase global food production. In doing so, agricultural transformation can balance out-migration from rural areas and thus contribute to stable growth. This document presents the conceptual framework for distress migration of rural youth. The framework focuses on the migration of rural youth (aged 15–24), who account for a large proportion of migrants and are a particularly vulnerable group. The framework comprises three sections: 1. Analysis of the main factors determining the propensity of rural youth to migrate; 2. Assessment of the likely impacts of distress migration of rural youth in terms of rural development for local areas of origin; 3. Illustration of the most promising policies and programmes to reduce distress migration of rural youth and maximize its dev elopmental benefits for the communities of origin.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO Framework for the Urban Food Agenda [In Brief]
    Leveraging sub-national and local government action to ensure sustainable food systems and improved nutrition
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    This publication provides a snapshot of the FAO Framework for the Urban Food Agenda. The Framework serves as a corporate strategy that addresses emerging calls from countries, responding to demands for a multi-sectorial, multi-stakeholder and multi-level approach to food insecurity and malnutrition across the rural-urban continuum. The Framework explains why FAO is in a unique position to influence positively the global urban food agenda and it defines guiding principles that ensure full inclusion of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.  As a result of a large consultative process targeted outcomes were determined. Moreover, the basis for a global action programme to achieve them is presented with seven comprehensive areas of support (CAS). The CAS together form a 3E approach in which FAO, with partners, assists governments to: i) Enable improved policy environments through diverse laws, regulations, governance and empowerment of institutions; ii)  Execute needed actions according to context-specific realities delivered, inter alia, shorter supply chains, inclusive public food procurement, innovative agro-food business, healthier food and green environments, and optimized supply chains and sustainable bioeconomy; iii) Expand good practices through the exchange of information and trans-local cooperation, and form a basis for an independent global forum that promote participation of different government levels to effectively promote good practices on food governance.  The publication ends with a broad discussion of a range of potential activities to be implemented in each of the CAS.

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