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Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean

How to strengthen urban food systems

FAO and ECLAC. 2021. Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to strengthen urban food systems. Bulletin 19. Santiago, FAO.

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    The effects of the crisis generated by the coronavirus pandemic continue to evolve and hit our societies hard. In the case of LAC, land tenure is at the heart of its development; this issue like no other has caused wars, displacement, social conflicts, corruption, hunger and poverty. In particular, extreme inequality in access to and control of land is one of the great unsolved problems in LAC; it is at the same time the cause and consequence of highly polarized social structures that have fed and continue to feed the political crises that are currently suffering greatly in their countries. With public policies that continue to ignore this structural challenge, it will not be possible to reduce the economic and social inequality that the pandemic has only come to reveal and exacerbate with greater brutality, and neither will it be possible to achieve the recovery with transformation echoed by speeches today from various sectors.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean
    The role of social protection measures
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    As the pandemic has progressed, governments have had to face new challenges. If, in the first stage, countries focused on mitigating the effects of strict sanitary restrictions, over the weeks attention has shifted to an especially serious threat: the economic and social crisis. The forecasts, unfortunately are not encouraging. In this edition of the newsletter we analyze the protection alternatives existing, with special attention in rural areas, which we cannot neglect.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean
    Impacts and opportunities in fresh food production
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    The agrifood sector, has not been immune to the Coronavirus, whose string of effects has interrupted the normal operation of food chains. In the agrifood sector, unprecedented problems have led to unprecedented challenges. In Latin America and the Caribbean, food production has not stopped; the workers, although with difficulties, appear at their workplaces. Therefore, when we evaluate in detail the impacts of COVID-19 on primary production, it seems evident that these have not been critical. However, we cannot lose sight of the coming agricultural seasons and monitor, with even more zeal, the disruptions in those sectors most vulnerable to this health, economic and social crisis. We have been foolish and stressed every time we have been able to do it that this crisis is a magnificent opportunity to rethink our production models. Due to their importance, the agrifood systems are an obligatory starting point of the long process of recovery and transformation that lies ahead.

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