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Guidelines on the collection of structural aquaculture statistics

Supplement to the Programme for the World Census of Agriculture 2000

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    Book (series)
    Collecting statistics on agricultural population and employment 1978
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    The dearth of information on rural and agricultural populations and employment was well recognized in the FAO Progra:nme for the 1980 World Census of Agriculture (WCA) where countries were urged to develop this segment of statistics by utilizing the agricultural and population censuses both as means to compile data and as a framework for implementing more frequent surveys within an integrated statistical system. In Resolution No. 14/75 on the Programme for the 1980 WCA, the Eighteenth Session of the FAQ Conference held in Novem• ber 1975, besides urging member nations to carry out their national census of agriculture, requested FAO to ''promote, in consultation with the United Nations and other interested international organizations, the fullest possible compatibility between the results of the agricultural and population censuses, particularly with respect to agricultural population''. This Guide is intended to assist countries in the planning and execution of programmes for the collection of agricultural population and employment statistics which are a major component of the statistics needed for agrarian reform and rural development. It supplements the general guidelines contained in the Programme for the 1980 WCA and presents a comprehen• sive framework of almost all the relevant statistical components characterizing agricultural population and employment and other related fields such as small-scale and part-time farming, locality or community statistics, under•employment, farm typology, the role of women in agriculture, etc.
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    Book (series)
    Collecting data on livestock 1992
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    The Statistical Development Series is a sequence of comprehensive technical manuals on the various aspects of the statistical programmes which make up a national information system for food and agriculture. The publication "Food and Agricultural Statistics in the Context of a National Information System", "Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture", and its supplements for Africa and Europe", "Microcomputer Based Data Processing and Sampling Methods for Agricultural surveys", have already been published. This publication on livestock statistics is intended to assist statisticians in their work in a particularly difficult and varied area. users of this manuel are kindly invited to communicate to FAO their comments and suggestions for the improvement of subsequent editions.
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    Book (series)
    Guidelines for collection and compilation of fishery statistics. 1975
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    The need to collect data arises when attempts are made to manage the economic and social activities of a society. For example data on population size and distribution are used in planning the building, of houses, schools, roads and hospitals. The raw data which appear on the source document (e.g., a census form filled in by the head of a household) are collected and processed to provide statistics of, among other things, the number of children of primary school age in each district of each town. Instead of the wealth of individual detail which exists on the source document about age, family size, occupation, income and activities we may, for the purposes of the types of planning listed above, devise a simplified description or model of the population. In our model there may be only four age classes pre-school, school age, child bearing age and post-child bearing and we may use this as a basis for estimating the number of school places or hospital beds needed in five years time, given c ertain information about numbers of children born per family per year and rate of hospitalization for different age groups. This model describes the age structure of the population in a simple way which helps us to make predictions about the changes likely to take place in the population.

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