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Guidelines on Management Options for Empty Pesticide Containers

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    Book (series)
    Final evaluation of “Disposal of persistent organic pollutants and obsolete pesticides in Mozambique”
    Project code: GCP/MOZ/100/GFF GEF ID: 3986
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    Pesticides have helped control disease and increase crop production for food security. However poor management of pesticides has shown negative impacts human health and the environment, including death and disability among users. Of particular concern are Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) that are highly effective in the control of the insect vectors of malaria and sleeping sickness and locusts. FAO supported by GEF implemented a POPs project in Mozambique to safeguard and dispose existing stocks of obsolete pesticides, as well as working to reduce risk across the pesticide lifecycle at the policy level. The evaluation found that the project was successful in safeguarding POPs, pesticide waste and contaminated containers, and had to deal with a much larger quantity of contaminated soil and obsolete pesticides than initially planned. In the future, the evaluation recommends that the Project Steering Committee with the support of FAO should (i) continue the remediation of highly contaminated sites, (ii) establishment of a sustainable system for managing empty pesticide containers, and (ii) establishment of a national pesticide stock management system. Project code: GCP/MOZ/100/GFF GEF ID: 3986
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    Book (series)
    Final evaluation of ''Demonstration project for the decontamination of Persistent Organic Pesticides contaminated soils using non-thermal treatment methods''
    Project code: GCP/BOT/011/GFF GEF ID: 3985
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    The pesticide story began in the 1980s with outbreaks of migratory pests, including locusts. Donors provided pesticides, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), to help control outbreaks. Several storage depots were set up across the country. Some of the pesticides were not used and remained in the depots where they started to leak from their containers into the soil. Between 1995 and 2003 two projects collected over 300 tonnes from government storage depots and identified 42 tonnes of farmer-held obsolete pesticides. The stocks were taken to a warehouse in Sebele before being disposed of through high temperature incineration in 2003. From 2002 to 2012 the government started collecting empty plastic containers (EPCs) and obsolete stocks. While the accumulation of obsolete stocks had fallen through awareness of the problem raised by these projects, it was still a problem. Also, nothing had been done about the POPs contaminated soils left behind after the government depots had been cleared. The Africa Stockpiles Program continued to raise the issue of POPs contamination. 28. It was in this context, that discussions began in 2008 that led to the design and funding of this Project to deal with contaminated soils and to strengthen pesticide lifecycle management to reduce accumulation of obsolete pesticides and the risk from pesticides in general. The Project document identified “serious gaps in Botswana’s ability to control all aspects of the pesticide life cycle” including the capacity to control imports; gaps in pesticide and waste legislation; and need for improved management of pesticide registrations.
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    Book (series)
    Mid-term evaluation of “Disposal of obsolete pesticides including persistent organic pollutants, promotion of alternatives and strengthening pesticides management in the Caribbean”
    GCP/SLC/204/GFF GEF ID: 5407
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    Declines in the sugarcane and banana industries of the Caribbean have resulted in an accumulation of disused pesticides. The adverse effect of agrochemicals, particularly pesticides, on human health and the environment is a global concern. The project ''Disposal of obsolete pesticides including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), promotion of alternatives and strengthening pesticides management in the Caribbean'' was implemented by FAO to promote the sound management of pesticides throughout their life-cycle in the Caribbean region, and reduce the risks they pose. The mid-term evaluation for this project, covering project design and implementation from November 2015 to April 2019, found that the most visible project achievement was the environmentally sound disposal of 319 tonnes of obsolete pesticides stocks, including POPs, from the 11 project beneficiary countries. Nonetheless, delays have been observed in all other activities, putting the project’s objectives at risk. Project code: GCP/SLC/204/GFF GEF ID: 5407

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