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Strengthening linkages between small actors and buyers in the roots and tubers sector in Africa - Uganda

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    Strengthening linkages between small actors and buyers in the roots and tubers sector in Africa - Rwanda 2019
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    Rwanda is the sixth largest producer of potatoes in Africa, and the Irish potato is one of the most important crop in the country. Small scale farmers and food enterprises though strong contenders for regional and domestic market opportunities, have difficulties entering the value chain. To unleash their potential, the African Roots and Tubers project sought to: (i) increase and intensify sustainable market-led production and (ii) strengthen farmers’ cooperatives; (iii) improve access to climate change risk management tools and access to finance; and (iv) develop business models throughout the value chain in which farmers and enterprises play a key role.
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    Strengthening linkages between small actors and buyers in the roots and tubers sector in Africa - Malawi 2019
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    The main staple crop in the lake shore districts, cassava is the second most important staple crop after maize in Malawi. Becoming commercially important, its production has nearly tripled in ten years and small scale farmers and food enterprises, though strong contenders for regional and domestic market opportunities, have difficulties entering the value chain. To unleash their potential, the African Roots and Tubers project sought to: (i) increase and intensify sustainable market-led production and (ii) strengthen farmers’ cooperatives; (iii) improve access to climate change risk management tools and access to finance; and (iv) develop business models throughout the value chain in which farmers and enterprises play a key role.
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    Strengthening linkages between small actors and buyers in the roots and tubers sector in Africa - Ghana 2019
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    Cassava is both a subsistence and commercial crop in Ghana. Due to the growing demand for cassava and its products, the Government has identified cassava as a priority crop. Nevertheless, cassava farmers and small processors faces challenges such as difficulty in marketing, lack of business management orientation and transportation issues that hinder the development of the sector. In order to improve the livelihood of those involved in the cassava value chain, the project aims at the following results: (i) existing national and regional strategies are aligned with initiatives supporting the development of improved regional market integration for the roots and tubers sector; (ii) the competitiveness and viability of roots and tubers value chains are strengthened by improving inclusive business models, sustainable intensification of production, and the capacity of small and medium enterprise and farmer organizations; (iii) access to information services and finance is improved for smallholders; and (iv) smallholder producers have access to climatic risk management instruments.

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