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    Stakeholder mapping and capacity needs assessment, Ethiopia
    WaPOR technical report: capacity development series
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    Given the scarcity of land and water resources, global strategies to increase food production should focus efforts on increasing production per unit resources, i.e. the combined increase of production per unit land surface (yield expressed in kg/ha1) and the increase of production per unit water used (water productivity expressed in kg/m³). Closing land and water productivity gaps is a complex task which requires: (i) monitoring of current levels of productivity in various crop production systems; (ii) assessment of observed productivity relative to potential; (iii) identification and analysis of the underlying causes of the productivity gaps; and (iv) evaluation of options and identification of viable solutions to close the productivity gaps in the local context. To support these processes, this project is applying analysis of high resolution satellite images in conjunction with specific algorithms to determine spatial and temporal variability of agricultural water and land productivity. Through the project activities, a validated remote sensing based methodological framework is being created to assess and monitor land and, more specifically, water productivity. The provision of near real time information through an open access data portal (WaPOR will enable a range of service-providers to assist farmers attain more reliable yields and to improve their livelihoods; irrigation operators will have access to new information to assess the performance of systems and to identify where to focus investments to modernize the irrigation schemes; and government agencies will be able to use the information to monitor and promote the efficient use of natural resources. In Ethiopia, the capacity development activities will build on ongoing and past work undertaken by IWMI. Stakeholder analysis, needs assessment, and capacity building will take place with relevant national partners, and actual piloting of solutions and capacity building will take place in the Koga reservoir in combined rain-fed and irrigated systems. The objective is to identify and implement locally appropriate solutions to build capacity to improve water productivity at the scheme level, which can be tested in Ethiopia and out-scaled to the other project locations.

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