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Strengthening National Forest Monitoring Systems for REDD+

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    Assessment of REDD+ MRV capacity in developing countries and implications under the Paris regime
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recognized the importance of forests in combating climate change and agreed financial support for REDD+ activities in developing countries through the Warsaw REDD+ Framework (WRF). The REDD+ activities for conserving carbon stored in forests to reduce GHG emissions and to enhance the carbon sink function of forests are expected to serve as an important means of achieving the climatic goal. In this study, a set of criteria was devised to assess REDD+ Measuring, Reporting and Verifying (MRV) implementation capabilities of developing countries, which was applied to analyze REDD+ MRV levels in REDD+ countries. Based on Forest Reference Emission Level/ Forest Reference Level (FREL/FRL), National Strategy (NS), National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) and Safeguard Information Summary (SIS) the countries have submitted, 36 REDD+ countries have submitted FREL/FRL only (Group I), while five countries fulfilled WRF requirements and registered REDD+ reduction results (Group II), and six received Result-based Payments (RBP) (Group III). From the highest to the lowest, overall MRV capability was also arranged in the order of Group III, II, and I, albeit Group I or Group II is at a higher level than the other groups in some elements. REDD+ countries in the Readiness Phase (Group I) would aim to have MRV capabilities of Groups II and III to receive RBP, and international support for REDD+ MRV capacity building can enable them to do. However, in addition to the receipt of RBP, REDD+ should be reflected in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) as consistent reduction results at the national GHG inventory level, and the advancement of REDD+ MRV is expected to be the necessary and sufficient condition for REDD+ cooperation under the Paris Agreement cooperative approach framework. For the following groups, international cooperation is essential: countries in the Readiness Phase need to be supported with the establishment of a MRV framework, which will enable them to achieve REDD+ to receive RBP and be reflected in NDCs; for REDD+ countries that have thus far met WRF requirements, the REDD+ scope needs to be upscaled to national levels and the MRV system should be further advanced to establish a cooperative approach system that can achieve more ambitious reduction targets through forests. Keywords: Warsaw REDD+ Framework, MRV; deforestation; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Nature based solution ID: 3623893
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Nigeria - National forest (carbon) inventory field manual 2020
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    This manual was prepared within the framework of a technical assistance (TA) agreement entitled “Forest Resources Inventory and Establishment of a forest reference level for REDD+ in Nigeria (UTF /NIR/066/NIR (644170)”, to support the implementation of national forest inventory (NFI) in Nigeria. An NFI is a key component of a measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system which is a requirement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the national forest monitoring system to assess anthropogenic forest-related greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks. The results of the NFI will be used to support national institutions to address issues of REDD+ and greenhouse gas (GHG) international reporting obligations. It can be also used to review the policy processes to support sustainable forest management at national level.
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    Book (series)
    From reference levels to results reporting: REDD+ under the UNFCCC
    2018 update
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    The aim of this publication is to inform countries about the latest developments in the Measurement, Reporting and Verification for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, and the role of sustainable management of forests, conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, known as REDD+. It provides an update on forest reference (emission) levels (FREL/FRLs) and REDD+ results submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The report illustrates the choices that countries made when they constructed their FREL/FRLs and areas for improvement identified during technical assessments. The report also provides an update of the evolving context of REDD+, including a summary of the Green Climate Fund’s recently approved pilot programme for results-based payments for REDD+. As of early 2018, the following REDD+ measurement, reporting and verification milestones had been achieved: Thirty-four countries had submitted 38 FREL/FRLs to the UNFCCC for technical assessment. The UNFCCC had published 22 FREL/FRL technical assessment reports, and a further 16 technical assessments were ongoing. Four countries had reported REDD+ results to the UNFCCC through five REDD+ results submissions (in the REDD+ technical annex of their biennial update reports), totalling more than 6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent in emission reductions, mostly in Brazil. All five technical analyses of REDD+ results had been completed. Eighty-eight percent of the countries that had submitted FREL/FRLs had completed or were establishing national forest inventories.

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