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EU Transversal support to country implementation - Somalia

Rebuilding confidence on land issues in Somalia

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Apoyo transversal de la UE a la implementación del país - Somalia
    Reconstruir la confianza en torno a las cuestiones de la tierra en Somalia
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    En agosto de 2013 se cumplió el primer año desde el fin del Gobierno Federal de Transición y el nacimiento de la primera República Federal Democrática de Somalia, dando lugar a un amplio esfuerzo de recuperación de la capacidad institucional y la estructura de Somalia, que por mucho tiempo había estado al borde del colapso. Los graves problemas relacionados con el acceso a la tierra y otros recursos naturales, como casos de corrupción durante el proceso de atribución y venta de tierras y de asignación de derechos sobre la tierra, constituyen un elemento de desestabilización importante y un factor capaz de fomentar conflictos, afectando así a los esfuerzos de reconstrucción en Somalia. Además, en el análisis de los derechos territoriales y de tierras de las mujeres y las minorías somalíes, se enfatizó sobre el desafío que plantean el reconocimiento y la protección de los derechos legítimos sobre la tierra de las personas vulnerables, que son, en su mayoría, mujeres.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Support transversal de l'UE à la mise en oeuvre dans les pays - Somalie
    Rétablir la confiance relative aux questions foncières en Somalie
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    Août 2013 a marqué la première année depuis la fin du Gouvernement fédéral de transition et la naissance de la première République fédérale démocratique de Somalie. Cela a conduit à un vaste effort de redressement de la capacité et de la structure institutionnelles de la Somalie, qui était depuis longtemps au bord de la faillite. Les graves problèmes liés à l’accès à la terre et aux autres ressources naturelles, tels que la corruption durant le processus d’attribution et de vente des terres et l’attribution des droits fonciers, sont un élément de déstabilisation critique et un grave facteur de conflit affectant les efforts de reconstruction en Somalie. En outre, le défi de la reconnaissance et de la protection des droits fonciers légitimes des personnes vulnérables, dont la majorité sont des femmes, a été mis en évidence dans l’analyse des droits fonciers et territoriaux des femmes et des minorités somaliennes.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Resilience building in Somalia
    FAO Programme Review 2024
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    Leveraging on more than a decade of delivering humanitarian response, saving lives, and building resilient and sustainable livelihoods in Somalia, FAO continues to prioritize strengthening the productive sectors and resilient food systems. At the core of this is building resilience against climate change and human-induced crises as well as protecting the poor and vulnerable from shocks and stresses. In Somalia, FAO operates one of the largest resilience programmes in sub-Saharan Africa in efforts to contribute to the regional, sub-regional and country priorities. FAO defines Resilience as the ability of individuals, households, and communities to PREVENT, ANTICIPATE, ABSORB, ADOPT and TRANSFORM positively, efficiently, and effectively when faced with a wide range of risks and crises while maintaining an acceptable level of functioning without compromising long-term prospects for sustainable development, peace and security, human rights, and well-being for all. The ongoing programme in Somalia implemented in collaboration with the government of Somalia and partners focuses on enhancing evidence-based policies and institutional interventions, covering components such as food security, nutrition, land, agriculture, aquaculture, livestock breeding, infrastructure rehabilitation/construction and seed policies and production. Through the programme, FAO supports increased production and productivity through targeted support to households, smallholder farmers, farmer organizations and cooperatives, youth and women organizations improved efficiency; provision/improvement of infrastructure such as feeder roads, markets, flood embarkments, fish landing sites, veterinary and seed laboratories; improving farmer knowledge and skills; investing in early warning and early action systems for evidence-based decision making and anticipatory actions; and strengthening of stakeholder coordination for higher and lasting impact of interventions. To improve agri-food system resilience, FAO has focused on supporting increased crop production to meet the cereal needs of the most vulnerable. To strengthen the preventive and anticipative resilience of the communities and the government, emphasis is made on strengthening the capacity of federal and state governments to conduct desert locust surveillance and control in order to prevent the destruction of crops. Support is provided to the livestock sector through animal treatment and vaccination campaigns, including efforts to commercialize the sector and reduce livestock-related conflicts. Moving towards adaptive and transformative capacity for longer term and sustainable resilience building, the focus is made towards strengthening irrigation potential in the riverine areas while providing cash to enable quick recovery. The FAO Somalia programme is also promoting the development of the fisheries sector which has a great potential to contribute to national food security. FAO interventions towards building resilience.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Apoyo transversal de la UE a la implementación del país - Somalia
    Reconstruir la confianza en torno a las cuestiones de la tierra en Somalia
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    En agosto de 2013 se cumplió el primer año desde el fin del Gobierno Federal de Transición y el nacimiento de la primera República Federal Democrática de Somalia, dando lugar a un amplio esfuerzo de recuperación de la capacidad institucional y la estructura de Somalia, que por mucho tiempo había estado al borde del colapso. Los graves problemas relacionados con el acceso a la tierra y otros recursos naturales, como casos de corrupción durante el proceso de atribución y venta de tierras y de asignación de derechos sobre la tierra, constituyen un elemento de desestabilización importante y un factor capaz de fomentar conflictos, afectando así a los esfuerzos de reconstrucción en Somalia. Además, en el análisis de los derechos territoriales y de tierras de las mujeres y las minorías somalíes, se enfatizó sobre el desafío que plantean el reconocimiento y la protección de los derechos legítimos sobre la tierra de las personas vulnerables, que son, en su mayoría, mujeres.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Support transversal de l'UE à la mise en oeuvre dans les pays - Somalie
    Rétablir la confiance relative aux questions foncières en Somalie
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    Août 2013 a marqué la première année depuis la fin du Gouvernement fédéral de transition et la naissance de la première République fédérale démocratique de Somalie. Cela a conduit à un vaste effort de redressement de la capacité et de la structure institutionnelles de la Somalie, qui était depuis longtemps au bord de la faillite. Les graves problèmes liés à l’accès à la terre et aux autres ressources naturelles, tels que la corruption durant le processus d’attribution et de vente des terres et l’attribution des droits fonciers, sont un élément de déstabilisation critique et un grave facteur de conflit affectant les efforts de reconstruction en Somalie. En outre, le défi de la reconnaissance et de la protection des droits fonciers légitimes des personnes vulnérables, dont la majorité sont des femmes, a été mis en évidence dans l’analyse des droits fonciers et territoriaux des femmes et des minorités somaliennes.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Resilience building in Somalia
    FAO Programme Review 2024
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    Leveraging on more than a decade of delivering humanitarian response, saving lives, and building resilient and sustainable livelihoods in Somalia, FAO continues to prioritize strengthening the productive sectors and resilient food systems. At the core of this is building resilience against climate change and human-induced crises as well as protecting the poor and vulnerable from shocks and stresses. In Somalia, FAO operates one of the largest resilience programmes in sub-Saharan Africa in efforts to contribute to the regional, sub-regional and country priorities. FAO defines Resilience as the ability of individuals, households, and communities to PREVENT, ANTICIPATE, ABSORB, ADOPT and TRANSFORM positively, efficiently, and effectively when faced with a wide range of risks and crises while maintaining an acceptable level of functioning without compromising long-term prospects for sustainable development, peace and security, human rights, and well-being for all. The ongoing programme in Somalia implemented in collaboration with the government of Somalia and partners focuses on enhancing evidence-based policies and institutional interventions, covering components such as food security, nutrition, land, agriculture, aquaculture, livestock breeding, infrastructure rehabilitation/construction and seed policies and production. Through the programme, FAO supports increased production and productivity through targeted support to households, smallholder farmers, farmer organizations and cooperatives, youth and women organizations improved efficiency; provision/improvement of infrastructure such as feeder roads, markets, flood embarkments, fish landing sites, veterinary and seed laboratories; improving farmer knowledge and skills; investing in early warning and early action systems for evidence-based decision making and anticipatory actions; and strengthening of stakeholder coordination for higher and lasting impact of interventions. To improve agri-food system resilience, FAO has focused on supporting increased crop production to meet the cereal needs of the most vulnerable. To strengthen the preventive and anticipative resilience of the communities and the government, emphasis is made on strengthening the capacity of federal and state governments to conduct desert locust surveillance and control in order to prevent the destruction of crops. Support is provided to the livestock sector through animal treatment and vaccination campaigns, including efforts to commercialize the sector and reduce livestock-related conflicts. Moving towards adaptive and transformative capacity for longer term and sustainable resilience building, the focus is made towards strengthening irrigation potential in the riverine areas while providing cash to enable quick recovery. The FAO Somalia programme is also promoting the development of the fisheries sector which has a great potential to contribute to national food security. FAO interventions towards building resilience.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Apoyo transversal de la UE a la implementación del país - Somalia
    Reconstruir la confianza en torno a las cuestiones de la tierra en Somalia
    Also available in:

    En agosto de 2013 se cumplió el primer año desde el fin del Gobierno Federal de Transición y el nacimiento de la primera República Federal Democrática de Somalia, dando lugar a un amplio esfuerzo de recuperación de la capacidad institucional y la estructura de Somalia, que por mucho tiempo había estado al borde del colapso. Los graves problemas relacionados con el acceso a la tierra y otros recursos naturales, como casos de corrupción durante el proceso de atribución y venta de tierras y de asignación de derechos sobre la tierra, constituyen un elemento de desestabilización importante y un factor capaz de fomentar conflictos, afectando así a los esfuerzos de reconstrucción en Somalia. Además, en el análisis de los derechos territoriales y de tierras de las mujeres y las minorías somalíes, se enfatizó sobre el desafío que plantean el reconocimiento y la protección de los derechos legítimos sobre la tierra de las personas vulnerables, que son, en su mayoría, mujeres.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Support transversal de l'UE à la mise en oeuvre dans les pays - Somalie
    Rétablir la confiance relative aux questions foncières en Somalie
    Also available in:

    Août 2013 a marqué la première année depuis la fin du Gouvernement fédéral de transition et la naissance de la première République fédérale démocratique de Somalie. Cela a conduit à un vaste effort de redressement de la capacité et de la structure institutionnelles de la Somalie, qui était depuis longtemps au bord de la faillite. Les graves problèmes liés à l’accès à la terre et aux autres ressources naturelles, tels que la corruption durant le processus d’attribution et de vente des terres et l’attribution des droits fonciers, sont un élément de déstabilisation critique et un grave facteur de conflit affectant les efforts de reconstruction en Somalie. En outre, le défi de la reconnaissance et de la protection des droits fonciers légitimes des personnes vulnérables, dont la majorité sont des femmes, a été mis en évidence dans l’analyse des droits fonciers et territoriaux des femmes et des minorités somaliennes.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Resilience building in Somalia
    FAO Programme Review 2024
    Also available in:
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    Leveraging on more than a decade of delivering humanitarian response, saving lives, and building resilient and sustainable livelihoods in Somalia, FAO continues to prioritize strengthening the productive sectors and resilient food systems. At the core of this is building resilience against climate change and human-induced crises as well as protecting the poor and vulnerable from shocks and stresses. In Somalia, FAO operates one of the largest resilience programmes in sub-Saharan Africa in efforts to contribute to the regional, sub-regional and country priorities. FAO defines Resilience as the ability of individuals, households, and communities to PREVENT, ANTICIPATE, ABSORB, ADOPT and TRANSFORM positively, efficiently, and effectively when faced with a wide range of risks and crises while maintaining an acceptable level of functioning without compromising long-term prospects for sustainable development, peace and security, human rights, and well-being for all. The ongoing programme in Somalia implemented in collaboration with the government of Somalia and partners focuses on enhancing evidence-based policies and institutional interventions, covering components such as food security, nutrition, land, agriculture, aquaculture, livestock breeding, infrastructure rehabilitation/construction and seed policies and production. Through the programme, FAO supports increased production and productivity through targeted support to households, smallholder farmers, farmer organizations and cooperatives, youth and women organizations improved efficiency; provision/improvement of infrastructure such as feeder roads, markets, flood embarkments, fish landing sites, veterinary and seed laboratories; improving farmer knowledge and skills; investing in early warning and early action systems for evidence-based decision making and anticipatory actions; and strengthening of stakeholder coordination for higher and lasting impact of interventions. To improve agri-food system resilience, FAO has focused on supporting increased crop production to meet the cereal needs of the most vulnerable. To strengthen the preventive and anticipative resilience of the communities and the government, emphasis is made on strengthening the capacity of federal and state governments to conduct desert locust surveillance and control in order to prevent the destruction of crops. Support is provided to the livestock sector through animal treatment and vaccination campaigns, including efforts to commercialize the sector and reduce livestock-related conflicts. Moving towards adaptive and transformative capacity for longer term and sustainable resilience building, the focus is made towards strengthening irrigation potential in the riverine areas while providing cash to enable quick recovery. The FAO Somalia programme is also promoting the development of the fisheries sector which has a great potential to contribute to national food security. FAO interventions towards building resilience.

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