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    Book (series)
    Report on the 1970 World Census of Agriculture 1977
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    The 1970 World Census of Agriculture was the third decennial census of agri­culture promoted by FAO. The numerical results of this Census, made available to FAQ generally through national census publications in diverse forms and in many different languages, are processed in a comparable form and published in a series of issues of the Census Bulletin already distributed to Member Governments. The present publication deals with the concepts, definitions and methodology of census taking as applied by countries participating in the 1970 World Census of Agriculture. The information presented is drawn from the available national census reports, documents of various FAQ meetings and sessions, and from the FAO experts who were actually involved in the planning and implementation of the census of agriculture taken around 1970 in the developing countries. While every effort was made to pool together all possible sources of information, it is by no means claimed to be exhaustive. Most of the census reports available from the countries were lacking in adequate information on the planning and methodological procedures. On a number of items the information presented in some of the national reports was too scanty for a comparative analysis to be included in the present volume. Naturally these limitations reflect correspondingly on the contents of this publication.
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    Book (series)
    Agricultural holdings in the 1970 World Census of Agriculture
    A statistical analysis
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    The FAO Statistics Division has published the results of the 1970 World Census of Agriculture, in a standard form, periodically issued as Census Bulletins entitled "Results by Cnuntries". A study of these results was presented in the "1970 World Census of Agriculture - Analysis and International Comparison of the Results", which included data on the main agricultural structures, such as number and area of agricultural holdings, land tenure, land use, characteristics of agricultural holders, and employment in agriculture. The information presented here gives the results of a statistical analysis of the agricultural holdings' main characteristics (i.e., distri­bution of the number and area by size, using the log normal distribution). The results show that the distribution of agricultural holdings can be represented fairly well for most of the countries by the lognormal distri­bution. Indices of concentration of agricultural land are also included. A practical application of the methods here described involves interpo­lating national data to match FAO standard size groups; this technique has been used by the FAO Statistics Division in preparing, in a standard form, the national agricultural census results. Accordingly, the results of this study are expected to contribute to the work on socio-economic indicators for monitoring and evaluating agrarian reform and rural development, and to further research work related to the structure of agriculture.
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    Book (series)
    Supplement to the report on the 1990 World census of agriculture. International comparison and primary results by country (1986-1995) 2001
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    The present “Supplement to the Report on the 1990 WCA” presents the census results collected from the reports issued by the countries that conducted censuses during the 1986-1995 decade and made them available to FAO after mid-1997. This publication also provides, in an internationally comparable form, a summary of data describing the main characteristics of the structure of agriculture, such as number and area of agricultural holdings, land tenure, agricultural holders and land use for 90 count ries; and includes comparable data for those countries conducting a census of agriculture during the period 1930-1990.

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