Eventi passati
‘The tastiest pulse dish’ competition and ‘Talent forums’Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich (Hotel and Catering School Complex) in Kalisz is holding three competitions, as a part of World Food Day celebrations. The first of them is a competition and tasting of ‘The tastiest pulse dish’. The dishes will be [...] Location: Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich, Kalisz, Poland |
International conference - Pulses: Focusing on maximum efficiencyThe conference will be an effective discussion platform, which will bring together the Government, Farmers and Trade Company, the elite of the Agrarian Science as well as representatives of international organization, the leading domestic and foreign crop framing institutions, experts from Canada, [...] Location: Radisson Blu Hotel, Yaroslav Val street, 22, Kiev, Ukraine |
Muestra Educativa sobre el Año Internacional de las LegumbresMuestra educativa realizada por alumnos de 4° año 1° y 2° División de la Escuela de Comercio "Lola Mora", de la ciudad de Burruyacu, provincia de Tucumán, Argentina. La misma consiste en la exposición de trabajos sobre las legumbres de [...] Location: Escuela de Comercio "Lola Mora", Avda. Libertador 1° cuadra, ciudad de Burruyacu, provincia de Tucumán, Argentina |
Pulses for Nutritional Security and Agricultural SustainabilityThis conference will draw together the key actors to further the contributions pulses make to health, nutrition, and sustainability. Location: New Delhi, India |
I legumi, semi nutrienti per un futuro sostenibileL'iniziativa “I legumi, semi nutrienti per un futuro sostenibile”, si propone di coinvolgere gli alunni delle scuole dell’infanzia, primarie e secondarie di I° grado del territorio invitandoli ad approfondire l’importanza dell’uso dei legumi come risorsa sostenibile per l’ambiente e alla [...] Location: Centro Commerciale “Le Centurie” Via Caselle, 1, 35010 San Giorgio delle Pertiche PD , Italy |