Прошедшие мероприятия
Mostra Interattiva Educativa "Legumi e Leguminose - Cibo del Futuro tra Gusto e Salute"Il Gruppo Fotografico di Offanengo con la collaborazione della Dr.ssa Piovanelli Elena - dietista e del Dr. Cabini Emanuele - agronomo, hanno allestito una mostra interattiva educativa sui legumi composta da: n. 50 scatti fotografici; 14 pannelli illustrativi e diverse [...] Location: Crema (CR), Italy |
"legumi e leguminose - cibo del futuro tra gusto e salute"Il Comune di Offanengo e il Gruppo Fotografico di Offanengo (GFO) hanno allestito presso la biblioteca comunale una mostra fotografica educativa composta da: - 50 scatti fotografici; - 14 pannelli illustrativi curati da esperti locali dei temi nutrizione e sostenibilità - diverse tipologie [...] Location: Offanengo (Cremona) - Biblioteca Comunale, Italy |
International Year of Pulses farewell at the Embassy of Pakistan, RomeThe Embassy of Pakistan, Rome, Italy, is organizing an event to bid farewell to the International Year of Pulses 2016. On this occasion the main activities, achievements and outcomes of the IYP will be recapped. Location: Embassy of Pakistan via della Camilluccia, 682, Rome, Italy |
Workshop "I legumi: semi nutrienti per un futuro sostenibile"The Workshop will focus on different views of pulses: social and economic importance, pulses in figurative arts and in the history of food, ancient legume varieties and their nutritional value, pulses as functional food, proverbs and quotes about pulses. Pulses-based food will [...] Location: Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa, Via del Borghetto 80, Pisa , Italy |
International Year of Pulses - Global DialogueThe Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing a Global Dialogue (GD) on the International Year of Pulses 2016 at its headquarters in Rome, Italy from 22 to 23 November 2016. The GD will provide a forum [...] Location: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) headquarters, Rome, Italy |