Réduction des émissions provenant du déboisement et de la dégradation des forêts REDD+


Francesca Felicani Robles. Forestry Officer, REDD+ legal matters, Forestry Division shares insights.
The +Forest project, funded by the Green Climate Fund and lead by the Ministry of Agriculture and FAO Chile seeks to tackle climate change by reducing afforestation and degradation of soils in six regions.The initiative will benefit directly more than 50 thousand people.
Des mesures correctives axées sur la mise en œuvre de stratégies forestières positives sont actuellement prises pour faire face à l'impact de la production et du commerce mondiaux de produits de base sur les forêts et les changements climatiques. À la lumière de ces efforts croissants, l'Organisation des Nations Unies...
Laura Bourgeau-Chavez and Michael Battaglia from the Michigan Tech Research Institute present and discuss procedures for the design of field study to map peatlands. The demonstration, in the open access software QGIS exemplifies how to define the soil sampling plan with a representative sample size. This presentation is framed in...
The Global Peatlands Initiative (GPI) and project partners support Indonesia’s efforts to integrate peatland considerations into relevant national planning and policy processes, including options for conservation, protection, restoration, sustainable use, and monitoring. The workshop, as part of a series of activities, aimed to showcase concrete opportunities for Indonesia to further...