
28/09/2021 - 0
Webinaire TECA: La recherche-action et ruches en Afrique
L'Unité de recherche et de vulgarisation de la FAO et le Beekeeping Network [...more]
New York - 01/09/2021 - 0
The UN Food Systems Summit, held during the UN General Assembly in New York on September 23, is setting the [...more]

Virtual - 05/08/2021 - 0
The TECA Platform contains a wide range of practices that promote regenerative agriculture from different parts of the world. All [...more]

Rome - 26/07/2021 - 28/07/2021
The Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit will set the stage for the culminating global event in September by [...more]

Virtual - 12/07/2021 - 0
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021 (SOFI 2021) report presents the first evidence-based global assessment [...more]

Virtual - 08/07/2021 - 09/07/2021
Organized by the Scientific Group of the UN Food Systems Summit 2021Facilitated and Hosted by FAO
In September 2021, the UN [...more]

Launch of HLPE Report on “Promoting youth engagement and employment in agriculture and food systems"
Virtual - 05/07/2021 - 0
Launch of HLPE Report on: “Promoting youth engagement and employment in agriculture and food systems”
5 July 2021 ― 14:30 – 17:30 CEST
Register [...more]

Virtual - 01/07/2021 - 0
At its eighth meeting, the IYPH ISC recommended that the IYPH 2020 Closing Ceremony be held on 1 July 2021 [...more]

Virtual - 07/06/2021 - 0
Food safety saves lives. It is not only a crucial component to food security, but it also plays a vital [...more]
Virtual - 05/06/2021 - 0
The theme of this year’s World Environment Day is Ecosystem Restoration. Pakistan will act as global host of the day. [...more]