World Food Forum

The WFF is an independent global network of partners, created for and led by youth to spark a movement to transform our global agri-food systems and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including “zero hunger”. In full alignment with the United Nations Food Systems Summit in 2021, it serves as the premier platform to engage and harness the passion of youth in order to galvanize action and identify solutions to the growing challenges facing our agri-food systems.
The WFF gathers major youth groups, influencers, companies, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, governments, media and the public. It aims to drive awareness, engagement, advocacy, as well as to mobilize resources, in support of agri-food systems transformation towards a better food future and good food for all. The WFF features a range of interactive, online events, networks and content platforms in the areas of policy, innovation, education, cooking, film and music.