N4G Official Side event - Maximizing nutrition gains among forestry communities: a participatory simulation exercise using impact pathways

The FAO and World Vision will be jointly holding a side-event for the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021. In accordance with the N4G mission of prioritizing nutrition in policies and investments, the side-event, “Maximizing nutrition gains among forestry communities: a participatory simulation exercise using impact pathways” will lead to better mainstreaming of nutrition into national policies and programmes.
Malnutrition is exacerbated substantially by gaps within the food system. To address these gaps, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN together with World Vision and twelve country teams in Sub-Saharan Africa developed a methodology that engages key actors across the food systems. The approach uses theories of change (TOCs) and related impact pathways to identify key transformative actions across the food systems for promoting safe and nutritious food, enabling healthy diets and improved nutrition. The impact pathways enable a discussion among multiple stakeholders on which entry points should be prioritized across the food systems to implement the required transformative actions and what the potential tradeoffs could be in terms of environment, health and socio-economic dimensions.
The proposed side event will provide a practical point of engagement for participants. The event will begin by introducing the approach using a case study from the forestry sector in Uganda and follow up with a hands-on workshop on how to mainstream nutrition using impact pathways, from theory to change. In accordance with the N4G mission of prioritizing nutrition in policies and investments, participants should come away from this event with awareness of an approach that could help them better understand how to mainstream nutrition considerations in a key sector like forestry.
Zoom link: https://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArcO6hqjgtG9EkN8wD3SvQwlVs7WmgkHQF