Ce livre contient Volume I: Aux sources de l’agriculture africaine: de la préhistoire au Mmoyen âge.
This paper analyses the main trends foreseen for developments in African agriculture, food and nutrition, inputs and natural resource use, and also the challenges emanating from the trends. It discusses the role of research and technology dissemination and adoption as key elements that need to be incorporated into a long-term, sustainable, strategy for the agricultural development of Africa. Finally, the last section highlights the main components that require more short-term, immediate actions and investments to avert food insecurity in Africa.
In 2003, FAO launched an on-line searchable database called FAO-BioDeC, providing information on biotechnology products/techniques in use or in the pipeline in developing countries (including countries with economies in transition). This report by Z. Dhlamini, C. Spillane, J.P. Moss, J. Ruane, N. Urquia and A. Sonnino, provides a first analysis of about 2,000 crop-sector entries from 71 developing countries contained in the database as of 31 August 2004. Entries cover genetically modified (GM) crops and non-GM biotechnologies (such as micropropagation, molecular markers, diagnostics (e.g. ELISA) and microbial techniques).
This new publication aims to provide a preliminary response to the question: How can developing countries encourage the various systems, organizations and producers concerned with agricultural research, education and extension, and operating in the public or private sector, to behave as one system with regard to the agricultural development component of rural development? In other words: what do developing countries need to establish and maintain an Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (AKIS) that targets agriculture – broadly conceived as crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry – as a main component of rural development (RD)?
This workshop was a follow-up to the study, Georgia: ICT Infrastructure and Use in Agriculture, Agricultural Policy, Research, and Education Organizations (T. Temel, A. Maru, 2003), commissioned by the Sustainable Development Group (REUS) of the FAO Regional Office for Europe (REU). Ten presentations and discussions on information and communication systems (ICS) in their respective organizations showed relative strength in technologies and databases at institutional levels, but weak connectivity to the local user levels.