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Type: Publications

Le diagnostic orienté-action du système national d’innovation agricole au Burkina Faso a été conduit conjointement par la FAO et le Ministère en charge de l’agriculture dans le but d’éclairer l’action politique à court terme tout en proposant un cadre stratégique global et de long terme pour renforcer les capacités des acteurs du système national d'innovation agricole.

Les principaux résultats consistent en des évaluations quantitatives et qualitatives, accompagnées de visualisations graphiques qui facilitent la discussion collective concernant: les facteurs accélérateurs et bloquants dans l’environnement des porteurs d’innovations, les performances des fonctions du SNIA, les principaux jalons des cadres politiques d’appui à l’innovation...

Type: Publications

Une approche par le renforcement des capacités du système national d’innovation agricole

Les politiques d'innovation sont en plein essor dans de nombreux pays du Sud. L'innovation est considérée comme un moyen de concevoir des solutions viables et adaptées aux défis économiques, environnementaux et sociaux de chaque pays. De par la nature incertaine et risquée de l’innovation, une politique adaptée est nécessaire pour la promouvoir.

Actuellement au Burkina Faso, l’innovation agricole est soutenue de façon non coordonnée par diverses initiatives émanant des ministères en charge de la recherche, de l’agriculture, de l’entreprenariat ou encore de l’économie et du numérique. En conséquence,...

Type: Publications

Digital agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) have a great potential to enhance accessibility, delivery, transparency, scope and impacts of information and services for smallholder farmers. However, this potential is often unfully harnessed and the benefits of digital AEAS unequally distributed due to an evident, widening digital divide between rural and urban areas, gender, and different social groups both within and among regions. Due to low-level e-literacy and digital skills, particularly smallholder farmers in rural areas in developing countries have limited access to and utilization of digital AEAS. Considering the above-mentioned benefits of digital AEAS, their poor uptake by smallholder...

Type: Publications

This guide is aimed to propose a holistic, systemic, and easy-to-use methodology that is multiscalar, multisectoral, and multidimensional for the M&E of public EAS systems to help identify gaps and pathways to strengthen and reform the public EAS system. It starts with analyses of the common objectives, subject, challenges, lessons learned, and prospects of the existing M&E systems and expounds on the logical framework, rationale and objectives of the proposed M&E methodology from a multistakeholder perspective. Then it proposes M&E frameworks at the national and grassroots levels following such order as the introduction, key M&E elements, indicator framework, and operational...

Type: Publications

This policy brief proposes a holistic, systemic, and easy-to-use methodology that is multi-scalar, multi-sectoral, and multi-dimensional for the M&E of public EAS systems, so as to help identify gaps and pathways to strengthen and reform public EAS system. It delivers such key messages as (1) the rationale and objectives of the proposed M&E methodology, (2) M&E frameworks at the national and grass-roots levels following such an order as introduction, key M&E elements, indicator framework, and operational framework, (3) the issues of data sources and data collection, (4) the issue of capacity building, and (5) methods of data analysis.

Type: News

联合国粮农组织 (FAO) 正与其成员国和发展伙伴合作,以扭转目前粮食不安全和营养不良恶化的趋势,以此作为实现可持续发展目标 (SDG),特别是实现SDG2关于2030 年零饥饿的目标。粮农组织的工作以其新的战略框架为指导,该框架寻求向更高效、更具包容性、更有弹性和可持续的农业粮食系统转型,以实现更好的生产、更好的营养、更好的环境和更美好的生活,不让任何人掉队。

农业生物技术是 "工具箱 "的一个组成部分,可以在不增加农业粮食系统对环境的有害影响的情况下实现急需的粮食产量的大幅增长。粮农组织对生物技术的定义是基于《生物多样性公约》的定义,其范围相当广泛。它涵盖了范围广泛的从简单到复杂的各种技术方法,例如人工授精、组织培养和发酵技术以及基于全基因组测序和聚合酶链反应 (PCR) 的疾病诊断和监测方法.

2012 年,粮农组织出版了《为小农户服务的生物技术》, 一本关于应用生物技术满足发展中国家小农户需求的案例研究集。为了加强、补充和更新这份2012年的出版物,粮农组织计划出版一套新的案例研究,介绍如何应用农业生物技术来解决制约发展中国家作物、林业、畜牧业和渔业/水产养殖部门小农户生产系统的问题。这些案例研究将以非技术性受众为目标,反映一系列不同的生物技术的应用。它们将旨在涵盖应用农业生物技术的各种目的,如提高生产力和质量; 在生产后期阶段增加价值; 表征/保护遗传资源; 以及诊断或预防疾病。


粮农组织邀请有兴趣的从业人员提出将农业生物技术应用于发展中国家 的小农户粮食系统的案例研究,以作为考虑出版的候选案例。提交提案时,请将案例研究的摘要(最多300字)发送至 [email protected]。摘要应为英文,并应描述案例研究,具体说明所应用的生物技术(或多种生物技术)、应用地点、谁从其应用中受益以及它在该领域的影响。因此,提案应记录经过验证和可复制的生物技术应用,而不是实验室或研究站的研究结果。成功入选的摘要将主要基于每份提交材料的质量。不过,其他标准,如不同生物技术和部门(即作物、林业、畜牧业和渔业/水产养殖业)的覆盖面;生物技术提供解决方案的不同问题;以及地理区域,也将得到考虑。每人可以提交多份摘要,只要它们涉及不同的案例研究。


对于被选中发表的案例,作者将被要求提交一份更详细的说明(最多2000字)如有需要,将为这项工作的作者提供适度的酬金。作者应描述项目的环境和背景、解决的关键问题、具体应用的生物技术(或多种生物技术)、如果可能,一些相关照片还应提供。 具体可请参阅在小农户服务的生物技术上发表的 19 个案例研究。



  • 2022年6月22日 – 提交摘要的截止日期
  • 2022年7月29日 –通知获得入选摘要的作者
  • 2022年9月15日 – 入选摘要的作者提交完整案例研究的初稿

不同案例的研究集将于2023年由粮农组织出版成书。要求解释或其他询问的可发送至 [email protected]

Type: Publications

Results from a multistakeholder policy dialogue process
This policy brief presents the results of a multistakeholder policy dialogue process led by the Cambodia Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification Consortium (CASIC) with technical support from FAO's Office of Innovation (OIN) in the framework of the EU-funded TAP-AIS project. A series of policy dialogue events, organized from April through September 2022, brought together local and national stakeholders, including farmers and their organizations, private sector businesses, government officials, NGOs, development partners and more, to discuss key issues and potential solutions to promote the expansion of conservation agriculture in Cambodia. Conservation agriculture is an...

Type: Publications

Assessing or understanding the Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) is an essential step to better understand the needs, new skills and functions needed by the actors and the system. To accelerate the uptake of innovation and progress towards eradicating poverty, there is an urgent need for well-coordinated, demand-driven and market-oriented information, knowledge, technologies and services.

This document includes a set of information, templates and resources that aim to assist Agricultural Innovation System actors, stakeholders, producers and farmers to develop and share impactful stories. It guides actors and organizations across all sectors in the innovation system to collect and document case studies, success...

Type: Publications

The global impacts of the climate crisis are becoming ever clearer, and natural resources and ecosystems are being depleted. Despite some progress, hunger and poverty persist, and inequalities are deepening. The world is realizing that unsustainable high external inputs and resource-intensive industrialized systems pose a real danger of biodiversity loss, increased greenhouse gas emissions, shortages of healthy food, and the impoverishment of dispossessed peasants around the world. There is global consensus on the urgent need for a transition to agri-food systems that ensure food and nutrition security, social and economic equity, and sustain the ecosystem on which all these elements...

Type: Publications

In the rapidly changing context of agri-food systems, extension and advisory services (EAS) are expected to provide new roles and services that go well beyond the traditional production-related technology transfer. Consequently, pluralistic EAS systems with diverse actors have emerged with diverse actors, including private and civil society organisations. These multiple EAS actors must adopt innovative entrepreneurship models if they are to act proactively and respond to the increasing diversity of farmers’ demands while staying independent and sustainable. Entrepreneurship in EAS means applying innovations such as creative and sustainable business models that can capture opportunities and new ideas, broaden the range...

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