The first step towards the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for the Marking of Fishing Gear

As per the Voluntary Guidelines for the Marking of Fishing Gear (VGMFG), the first step towards the implementation of effective gear marking systems is to carry out a risk assessment to determining necessity and complexity of the gear marking and the annex provide factors to be considered in the risk assessment.
In order to facilitate the implementation of the VGMFG, FAO together with the local partner Windward Island Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF) are conducting a pilot study to develop a framework for a risk assessment on the implementation of a gear marking system in Grenada.
On 11th November 2021 FAO and WINDREF, held a participatory workshop in Grenada with the objective of understanding what are fishers, fishing authorities, fishing gear manufacturers and relevant NGOs perceptions regarding the implementation of a gear marking system in Grenada.
The next steps of the project include conducting the risk assessment in Grenadian fisheries taking into account input received from the workshop participants. Based on the results from the risk assessment and the workshop, a draft national action plan for implementing a gear marking system will be produced and submitted to the relevant competent authorities of the Grenadian Government for consideration.
The results of this project will be used by FAO to develop and publish a framework for a risk assessment on the implementation of a gear marking system aiming to assist the implementation of the VGMFG in other countries in the region.
This project has been possible thanks to the economic contribution provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands through the project GCP/GLO/018/NET-F.
Photo: ©WINDREF/Roland Baldeo