الممارسات المسؤولة للصيد من أجل المصايد المستدامة


2018 - FAO
تشدد طبعة عام 2018 من تقرير حالة الموارد السمكية وتربية الأحياء المائية في العالم على دور القطاع في تنفيذ خطة التنمية المستدامة لعام 2030 وأهداف التنمية المستدامة، وقياس التقدم المحرز نحو بلوغ هذه الأهداف. وتشير هذه الطبعة إلى المساهمات الخاصة...
COFI document
2018 - FAO
Fish aggregating devices (FADs) used by tuna purse seine fisheries improve fishing efficiency relative to other purse seine fishing strategies and make it possible to successfully fish in new areas. However, when not responsibly managed, FADs can cause adverse effects. Use of...
COFI document
2018 - FAO
This report describes a pilot project to test means and methods of marking gillnets in accordance with FAO’s Draft Guidelines on the Marking of Fishing Gear (‘the Draft Guidelines’) and to explore the scope for a retrieval and recycling scheme.The...
COFI document
2018 - FAO
Addressing environmental impacts associated with fishing operations in capture fisheries has been a priority topic area on the agenda of FAO’s Committee on Fisheries (COFI) for many years. Thus, issues such as bycatch and discards, abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded...
COFI document
2018 - FAO
This document provides information on FAO’s current work in addressing issues of bycatch and discards, as they relate to fisheries management, fishing operations and practices, and sustainable livelihoods, in support of the International Guidelines on Managing Bycatch and Reduction of...