Responsible Fishing Practices for Sustainable Fisheries

Guidance Document on Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies for the Establishment of Port Reception Facilities for Plastic Waste


The GloLitter Partnerships project (GloLitter), funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and implemented by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), aims to assist developing countries to prevent, reduce and control marine plastic litter (MPL) from the maritime transport and fisheries sectors. This Guidance Document outlines the costs of operating a port reception facility and the revenue that such facilities can generate. Case studies of waste reception facilities in different ports around the world (large and small) are used to illustrate the relevant income and expenditure flows. In view of the composition of marine litter, the focus is on plastic waste as part of ships’ garbage, including fishing gear.

Download a copy here.