Prácticas pesqueras responsables para la pesca sostenible


Voluntary Instrument
Las Directrices voluntarias sobre el marcado de las artes de pesca son un instrumento que contribuye a la pesca sostenible, a mejorar las condiciones del ambiente marino y a consolidar la seguridad en el mar, combatiendo, reduciendo al mínimo y...
2021 - Gilardi, K., ed.
The report provides an overview of the current state of knowledge in terms of the sources, relative contribution and data gaps when it comes to sea-based sources of marine litter.  A section of the report is dedicated to fishing as...
Technical Paper
2021 - Eayrs, S., Fuentevilla, C.
This technical report describes efforts to mitigate bycatch through gear modifications and adaptations in the tropical shrimp-trawl fisheries of over 30 countries. It provides a summary of efforts by each country and then synthesizes them to identify and describe best...
Media resources
2021 - FAO
This training video shows effective FAD fishing techniques, suitable for small- scale FAD fishers. It was developed for the increasing number of remote Pacific Island fishers with access to anchored FADs. Many Pacific Island fishers practice troll fishing around FADs;...
2021 - Bealey, R.
This guide provides information on how to efficiently, and more specifically, target tuna, while reducing the impact on bycatch species and marine ecosystems. It aims to promote the adoption of modern methods for more efficient and targeted use of longline...