Prácticas pesqueras responsables para la pesca sostenible


2020 - FAO
En la edición de 2020 de El estado mundial de la pesca y la acuicultura se hace especialmente hincapié en la sostenibilidad. Esto refleja una serie de consideraciones específicas. Primero, en 2020 se celebra el 25.º aniversario del Código de...
2020 - FAO
FAO in collaboration with the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI), convened a series of regional workshops on Best Practices to Prevent and Reduce Abandoned, Lost and Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG) between May and November 2019. The workshops which involved Government...
Media resources
2020 - FAO
It has been estimated that 640 000 tonnes of fishing gear is lost or abandoned in the oceans every year, which traps fish or other marine life and negatively impact marine ecosystems. FAO in collaboration with GGGI is running workshops...
Technical Paper
2019 - Pérez Roda, M.A. (ed.), Gilman, E., Huntington, T., Kennelly, S.J., Suuronen, P., Chaloupka, M. and Medley, P.
This third update of FAO’s global discard estimate adopted the ‘fishery-by-fishery’ approach employed in the second discards assessment published in 2005. The update included publicly available discard data in the last 20 years to establish a baseline of a time...
Voluntary Instrument
2019 - GESAMP
The principle purpose of this report is to provide recommendations, advice and practical guidance, for the establishment of programmes to monitor and assess the distribution and abundance of plastic litter, also referred to as plastic debris, in the ocean. The intention...