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The Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative wins award

News - 10.05.2012

8 May 2012, Madrid - The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) has been awarded by FAO due to its support to the Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative.

The award was received by Mr Rafael Garranzo, Director of Cooperation of Latin America and the Caribbean of the AECID, in a ceremony attended by Her Royal Highness Queen Sofia of Spain and Mr José Graziano da Silva, Director General of FAO.


A strong message

The Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative is a commitment from countries and organizations in the region, supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, to help create the conditions to eradicate hunger permanently in 2025.

The Initiative deepens the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with a specific target of reducing the incidence of chronic malnutrition in children below 2.5% in all countries of the region by 2025.

This award is a powerful statement that not only further supports the regional efforts and accomplishments of the Initiative, but also sends a strong message about commitment and will power for the human right to food to governments worldwide.

The right to food

A strong component of the Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative is the human right to food and with the support of the FAO offices in the countries and the Right to Food Team in Rome, many governments in the region have taken action against hunger and implemented the right to food.

The award also has special meaning for the new FAO Right to Food Team Coordinator, Juan Carlos García y Cebolla, as he is the former coordinator of the Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative.

“This award represents years of hard work by many dedicated people from countries in the region and from the whole of FAO working together for a hunger-free future”, said Juan Carlos García y Cebolla, FAO Right to Food Team.

“The Right to Food Team and the Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative have a strong collaboration and we will continue to support the great work on the implementation of the human right to food under the leadership and vision of Mr José Graziano da Silva”, he added.


Photo: © Casa de S.M. el Rey / Borja Fotógrafos



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