Let these right to food-related resources update you in April!
29 March 2021, Rome - "Every individual and every organ of society … shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms." - Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
The right to food is a cross-cutting issue. There are many dimensions interrelated, actors and processes involved, diversity of visions, subtle difference between concepts or emerging issues.
In order for every person to be able to fulfil the right to adequate food, or to advocate for its implementation, an understanding of certain issues and skills are needed.
The materials available on this page are studies, platforms and other resources that have been recently published not only by FAO but also other entities, sometimes issues in one or more of the six official FAO languages. The selection of items has been made by the FAO Right to Food Team, who aims to share information, provide practical guidance and stimulate debate on various aspects of the right to food.
Over 2021 FAO will be posting an update of these resources.
We hope you find them useful and enjoy this food for thought!
Selection of right to food-related resources in March
Guidelines on data disaggregation for SDG Indicators using survey data|FAO
Decent work in a globalized economy: Lessons from public and private initiatives|ILO
State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples|UNDESA
Maximizing the use of the Universal Periodic Review at country level|OHCHR
Men, Women, and Gender Relations in Georgia: Public Perceptions and Attitudes | UNDP-UNFPA
The burden of unpaid care work remains an obstacle to women’s equal participation in the economy and society.
The human rights that benefits natures | BBC
Related to COVID-19
COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker| UNDP
It monitors policy measures enacted by governments worldwide to tackle the COVID-19 crisis, and highlights responses that have integrated a gender lens.
Gender equality: Flying blind in a time of crisis | Global Health 5050
Global Food Security Index |The Economist
It considers the issues of food affordability, availability, quality and safety, and natural resources and resilience across a set of 113 countries.
EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024|Council of the EU