

Report, 2010. Component 2/3.
This second component of the Right to Food Assessment Philippines covers an assessment that will ascertain whether legal provisions are implemented to guarantee the right to food and to what extent the legal framework of the Philippines influences (positively or negatively) the food insecurity situation of the vulnerable groups.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 法律问题 - 政策 - 粮食安全与营养

Report, 2010. Component 3/3.
This third component focuses on two main areas of concern
1) Long run food sustainability and 2) Immediate food requirements.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 分析 - 粮食安全与营养

Paper, 2010.
This report provides background information about Bhutan and a summary of the essential elements of the right to food concept followed by an analysis of the household level food security status and its driving factors. Furthermore, an analysis of the policy, institutional and legal framework relevant to food security governance and accountability mechanisms at national and sub-national levels and future recommendations are provided.

关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 形势分析 - 法律问题 - 国家立法 - 粮食安全与营养

Joint FAO-OHCHR Fact Sheet No. 34, 2010.
This Fact Sheet explains what the right to adequate food is, illustrates its implications for specific individuals and groups, and elaborates upon State parties’ obligations with respect to this human right. The Fact Sheet also provides an overview of national, regional and international accountability and monitoring mechanisms.

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 培训 - 法律问题 - 国际法 - 粮食安全与营养

Flyer, 2010.
This “Right to food in the cities” flyer focuses on the legislation of Mexico
and the law on food security and nutrition in Mexico Federal district.

关键词: 法律问题 - 监测 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 5, 2009. 
This Guide provides a 10-steps guidance for the process of building a right to food case, analysing government budget and presenting a claim. It also examines three case studies in order to understand if a national budget is geared up to the use of the maximum resources for the realization of the right to food.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 全球研究 - 影响分析 - 公共预算分析 - 形势分析

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 4, 2009. 
This unique basis for education, training and advocacy on the right to food aims to contribute to strengthening in-country capacity to implement this human right and can also be used as a reference guide.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 能力开发 - 宣传倡导 - 课程 - 教学工具 - 赋权 - 培训

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 3, 2009. 
This Guide provides methodological and operational assistance for governments, civil society and other stakeholders for the assessment of the right to food situation at national level. In addition, the Guide also offers methods for the assessment of the legal, policy and institutional environment.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 全球研究 - 影响分析 - 公共预算分析 - 形势分析

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 2 - Volume II, 2009.
This guide helps to examine the results and impacts of policies and projects, against specific goals that have been set as desired outcomes for the enjoyment of the human right to adequate food. Furthermore, it provides different methodologies for monitoring the right to adequate food.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 监测 - 分析 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 具体目标 - 方法论

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 2 - Volume I, 2009.
This guide helps to examine the results and impacts of policies and projects, against specific goals that have been set as desired outcomes for the enjoyment of the human right to adequate food. Furthermore, it provides different methodologies for monitoring the right to adequate food.

语言版本:English Español
关键词: 监测 - 分析 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 具体目标 - 方法论
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
