The Right to Food

The right to adequate food and indigenous people

Author: Lidija Knuth (FAO Right to Food Team)

Right to Food Study, 2009.

The right to food is of particular importance to vulnerable groups, amongst which are indigenous peoples. This paper analyses how right to food is relevant to indigenous peoples and how the implementation of the right to food can benefit them. It provides an overview on the international legal framework of indigenous peoples’ right to food and discusses issues of concern from a right to food perspective. The paper also focuses on the analysis of the right to food from an indigenous peoples’ perspective and addresses the main issues of concern to indigenous peoples that crosscut the right to food - including access to natural resources, intellectual property rights and the environment. The purpose of this study is to inform indigenous peoples, UN staff working on indigenous peoples’ issues or the right to food, development practitioners and academia interested in these issues.

The Right to Food Study “The right to adequate food and indigenous peoples” was written by Lidija Knuth (Right to Food Team) and was conducted in the context of the project “Creating capacity and instruments to implement the right to adequate food” financed by the Government of Germany.

Region: Global
Category: Studies
Keywords: Situation analysis, Empowerment, Legal issues

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