Decent Rural Employment

Global Migration Group

The Global Migration Group (GMG) is an inter-agency body that promotes the dialogue on migration issues at the international level. FAO joined the GMG in 2014. GMG membership provides FAO with the opportunity to make sure the international dialogue is well-informed regarding the root causes of migration from rural areas and the implications for rural poverty, food security and natural resource management.

As a member of the Group, FAO participates and systematically partners with other agencies on global migration initiatives. Collaboration focuses especially on research and knowledge generation for the production of guidance materials. FAO brings value added to the GMG through its expertise in rural livelihood strategies and country-level presence.

The main priorities of the Group are to:

  • Promote the application of instruments and norms relating to migration. 
  • Encourage the adoption of more effective approaches for a coordinated response to migration issues. 
  • Respond to the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities arising from migration.