Decent Rural Employment

International Labour Conference (Geneva, 28 May-13 June 2008)


More than 3,000 government, worker and employer leaders are meeting in Geneva to discuss a wide range of issues including rural poverty reduction, the latest developments in labour rights and enhancing skills development. The Conference will also consider the strategic challenges faced in obtaining decent work, and will host a high-level panel discussion on 11 June on “Tackling the food crisis through investment, production and decent work”. The plenary will mark the World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June under the theme “Education, the right response to child labour”. 
Link: ILC in general:

The Conference will discuss how to promote rural employment for poverty reduction, fundamental both to the realization of the MDGs and the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda. Approximately 3.4 billion people, slightly under half of the world’s population, now live in rural areas. Climate change, soaring food prices, and the use of farm products for fuel are today key issues in the global debate on agricultural production. Rural markets and the world economy have been affected by globalization, whose costs and benefits have not been equitably distributed either between countries or within them, and by increased urbanization - in most developed countries close to 80 per cent of the population now live in towns and cities, and many cities in the developing world are struggling to cope with the influx of rural migrants. Clearly, the employment challenges of today’s burgeoning cities cannot be met without addressing the need for full and productive employment in rural areas. Agricultural growth is highly effective in reducing poverty, but the pattern and distribution of growth will determine the degree to which it translates into job creation and poverty reduction.

Report IV: Promotion of rural employment for poverty reduction - [pdf 964 KB]