Decent Rural Employment


FAO’s promotion of decent employment opportunities for rural youth producers’ associations in Mozambique

More than 80% of the population in Mozambique is active in the agriculture sector. Of these, about 90% work in family farming. The family farming system in the country is characterized by family labor forces and a low degree of mechanization, with the large majority of agricultural production being rain-fed....

The Government of the Republic of Mali makes a strong commitment to reduce and prevent child labour in agriculture

In June 2011, the Government of Mali approved a national plan to eliminate child labour by 2020 (Plan National pour l’Élimination du Travail des Enfants au Mali, PANETEM). By doing so, child labour is now placed high on the political agenda. The Government acknowledges that child labour has serious consequences...

FAO-ILO guidance for addressing child labour in fisheries and aquaculture: policy and practice

Child labour continues to be a great concern around the world. It has been estimated that there are some 215 million child labourers globally and that some 60 percent of them work in the agriculture sector, including in fisheries and aquaculture. Children engage in a wide variety of activities in...