Civil society
FAO works to expand and strengthen collaboration with civil society organizations to combat hunger and poverty and taps into their skills and knowledge across the full range of food security issues, seeks to improve the quality, quantity and effectiveness of its relationships with other civil society organizations at the global, regional and national levels.
FAO believes that the views of civil society organizations should be heard and their proposals considered.
By strengthening its partnership with civil society, FAO strives to:
Eduard Porvatov
Specialist on National Partnerships (Academia, NGOs, and Civil Society)
• Contribute to strengthening the transparency and fairness of policy development and decision-making processes that take into account the interests of and with the support of all sectors of society;
• Enable all stakeholders to express their views and ensure that their views are taken into account;
• Strengthen the effectiveness of FAO's projects and programs through civil society's expertise in community engagement, poverty reduction, sustainable agriculture, and its ability to act quickly and flexibly;
• Gain public support and commitment needed to achieve food security goals and leave no behind.
FAO in Moscow cooperation with non-governmental organizations in Russia
Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON)
FAO Moscow Office works closely with the Association and is frequently invited to participate in its events.

Russian Geographical Society (RGS)
RGS actively participates and assists FAO Office in Moscow in many events and projects, such as the GIAHS initiative.
The Office also cooperates with Food Bank RUS, All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation (VOOP), International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations “Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly”, National Conservation Agriculture Movement, and others.
FAO Liaison office with the Russian Federation and youth
FAO recognizes that youth is at the frontline to build more sustainable agrifood systems and is best placed to rejuvenate the sector, acquire the knowledge and skills needed to innovate, uptake new technologies, and spearhead the digital transformation. The Office actively works with youth associations and youth activists, regularly organizes events and conferences, takes part in Model United Nations Conferences and offers many opportunities for young people, including internships and fellowships.

International Youth Day
In August 2023, on the occasion of the International Youth Day, the FAO Moscow Office held a round table entitled “Green Skills for Youth”. Representatives from All-Russian Youth Public Organization “Russian Union of Rural Youth”, Russian Geographical Society, as well as students, young scientists, entrepreneurs, and social activists discussed the skills necessary for the youth to promote sustainable development in the twenty-first century, shared their experiences and projects, and told about the challenges and obstacles that they managed to overcome.